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Fasting today?

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Fasting today - Thursday 25 May
24 May 2017, 22:02
We had great German food last night so no surprise the scales were up this morning. I'm hoping that the extra carbs won't make fasting too hard today. Off to the vet this morning as it looks like our dog has something stuck in her nose - sneezing and now snorting. Good luck everyone.
Hi @Wmr309,
I hope your dog is okay.
Thanks @Fat_teacher. The vet had to give her anaesthetics to get a blade of grass out which had gone quite deep. The poor thing is now fast asleep and snoring, after having usual dinner, so I hope she'll be back to normal tomorrow. I managed to stay away from (comfort) food and went to the gym while she was kept at the surgery for a few hours.
Glad the dog is ok, despite the ordeal!!

I'm in today. It's another busy day, so hopefully it'll be pretty easy. The only problem will be if they buy pizza for us for staying to help with the spring concert tonight! But I plan to resist!
Hopefully, pizza was not offered @Cblasz, or you managed to refuse.
Glad to hear your dog is well again and that you still managed to keep on track @Wmr309. My son once stuck a Kellogg's Coco Pop (Puff) up his nose, breathed back and it lodged in his sinus. He started screaming, was too embarrassed to tell us what had happened, so we reused him to Emergency at the hospital, thinking he was having some sort of seizure. When we arrived he told us the truth. We took him in and there were people waiting with blood and breaks and pain and the nurses said, "What's happened to him?" And I said, "He stuck a Coco Pop up his nose".
They rushed him straight in like it was a gunshot to the amazement of all the others who'd been waiting there for hours.

I was in. Had a great day. I was a bit short with a few students today though. Not good. Woke up this morning to my lowest weight yet. Yay!!!
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