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Fasting today?

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Here I am again. My weight is not going down, though I am fasting every other day. thou my husband said something encouraging: That as I am on a medication that makes one put on weight, that at least I am not putting on weight but keeping it the same. On feed days I weigh 69 kg, which is about 14 kg more than what I now ought to be. On fast days I weigh 67.9 kg. regular as clockwork. :doh:
I don't know how you manage so many fasts, @Margotsylvia! Have you discussed with your doctor the best approach to weight management while you are on this particular medication? Though I know you don't mind fasting, so maybe this is the way to go to at least maintain your weight. When you say you "should" be 14kg lighter, what is that based on?

I did manage a lighter day than usual yesterday, which is an achievement given my behavior of late. But as for keeping the cals to 500, that seems almost impossible for me anymore...
I was supposed to fast today, @Sassy1, but my hubby talked me out of it (not very difficult really!!) so I am going to try again tomorrow (Sunday) - already stopped eating for tonight (Sat night about 8 pm) so hopefully I will keep my resolve !!!
dear Sassy, again. What is my 14 kg overweight based on, you asked. Well, I am very short, under 160 cm, about 5 foot 3. I used to be about 52 kg for a long time and was happy with that. But I am in my 60es now. And keeping that slim weight became harder and harder struggle. So I read somewhere in this Forum that a BMI about 22 was healthy. That signifies 55 kg for me.
69 - 55 = 14 :curse: The more I fast the easier it becomes. I really, really enjoy the feed days in between. Could not do back to back fasts as some do... :grin:
Actually, there is a healthy BMI range. Do you use the tracker here? If you use it and enter your information it will let you know what your healthy range is. By my estimations you could go up to 61 kg. and still be in the healthy range. But you should check for yourself. As you said you are in your 60s and it's harder to keep a lower weight. Also, every time you gain weight, it's harder to lose it. Life is short. I'd try to find a happy balance where you are not overdoing it, but still not getting to be too unhealthy.
Dear @Margotsylvia, very sensible advice from cblasz. Also, putting yourself under continual pressure to lose weight may result in an negative effect on your overall wellbeing. Weight is only one factor that impacts on your health. What does your doctor think about your weight?

But as you are happy with your way of eating (no need to do back-to-back fasting!!) that presumably isn't causing you stress (btw you aren't overdoing it on your feed days, are you??) - just try not to worry about the lack of loss, which may well be due to the medication. Easier said than done, I know.
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