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Fasting today?

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Hi everyone!

Well I'm back - again!! I'm really enjoying my return to 5:2, although saying that every day I do 16:8 and am going by the low-carb route rather than worrying too much about calories. Indeed, the only days I worry about calories are Mondays and Thursdays - when I shall restrict myself to 500 cals!!

I say I'm not worried about calories but having just finished 8 weeks following Michael Mosley's Blood Sugar Diet, I know I'm going to find it difficult to concentrate entirely on my carbs - and keep them as low as possible.

I can't recommend this site enough. Its Diet Doctor (some of you may have heard of it) and they encourage people to eat a healthy, low carb diet, using either intermittent fasting or 5:2. Here's a useful link if you're interested...

Today I am not eating until this evening when I shall enjoy my usual go-to meal of smoked haddock and buttery veg! Can't wait now.

So, I'll end on an encouraging note for anyone who may be struggling. I followed Michael Mosley's Blood Sugar Diet for the prescribed 8 weeks and lost a staggering 21 pounds! For me that is just miraculous! I highly recommend giving this a go. If anything it'll springboard you into a slimmer you - and fasting will end up becoming second nature!!

Anyway, is anyone else joining me in fasting today? I hope so!!

Bean :cool: :heart:
Hi @nursebean!

I think it's impressive that you are doing 16:8 AND 5:2. I am just doing 16:8, although I really should try to add in one fast day as well. I'm also trying to focus a little less on calories and more on low carb and low sugar. 21 lbs is very impressive in 8 weeks. I think I would struggle with that diet too, but maybe it is something to consider! Maybe when I return to school (work) in the fall, when it would be easier to stick with! Thanks for sharing your results with it!

Good luck with your fast today!
Thanks for your reply @cblasz! My fast day went really well. I only ended up having 340 cals and something like 9 carbs, so VERY pleased with that. The weight loss seems to be slowing down now though so I'm not sure what to do. The Diet Doctor website suggests you don't worry about calories but concentrate on carbs. I find this really difficult to do, since we've all bean so brainwashed about calories haven't we. Anyway, I'll keep on, keeping on!

Bean :heart:
Yes, I just read another article about not counting calories and just worrying about keeping carbs low and getting enough protein, fiber, and fat. With how low your carbs are, you should definitely do that! I agree it is hard though!
Yes I think I'll stick with low carb-ing now and Diet Doctor is a great website that gives you loads of meal ideas plus a FREE 2-week challenge to get you started. I can't do the challenge because its not vegetarian but it might be a great place to start for those new to low carb eating!

Bean :heart:
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