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Well done team -onward and upward! :cool:
My goodness, no wonder the server bugged out somewhat overnight -
Most users ever online was 1155 on 29 Apr 2013, 23:50

Prior to that the most was 370, before which it was 230.

Oh my goodness.
Have to say that looking at the hourly data that I compile I am very doubtful about that figure. Something very strange happened last night. At 23:00 the number of visitors was 170, at 23:30 it was 1155 and at 00:00 it was 740, then by 01:00 it had dropped back to 80.

Yet between 23:00 and 01:00 only 2 members joined.

This type of blip has never been seen before. Unless we can come up with a real reason I think we must regard it as some of computer glitch, maybe the hosting company were running some tests, or there was some sort of attack on the site?

Moogie, is there a way to reset the maximum counter back to the 370 which was a real figure I believe?
Actually, I wonder if it had to do with that chap from Coach Trip who is now following us on twitter - he tweeted the site address last night and with some thousand or so followers its possible a load of them clicked through, as well as a load of bots of some kind crawling from the twitter link.
Yes could be, his tweet is shown as 20 hours ago...
Server stats seem to show a big surge in requests (and failed requests due to bug-outs) in the hour slot from 11pm-midnight, so either we got very busy or we had a DoS attack.
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