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Okay, perhaps I got it the wrong way around - get a FREE yummy Graze box & support this site while doing so!


By signing up to try a free Graze box through these links, a small commission will be paid to this site at no cost to you :) So, not only do you get to try some delicious, calorie counted, healthy treats but you also get to feel all warm inside about helping to fund your favourite 5:2 site!

I've done the trial myself and much as I enjoyed the box, I couldn't justify the regular spend on one so cancelled my boxes within a couple of clicks on the Graze site, incurring no cost.

The great thing is, I keep getting sent offers from them for half price boxes, which I can enjoy on the cheap, and then cancel again afterwards if I don't want to keep going.

The treats inside really are tasty and you can choose what things you fancy from their complete list of snacks. I got some scrummy oat cakes with onion marmalade, apple & cinnamon flapjacks, a mixed seed, berry & dark chocolate pack and a bag of dried apple & strawberry. Actually, I'd rather have any one of them than some mass produced chocolate biscuit bar full of additives!

Better yet, most of the boxes tend to come in at around 500-600 calories total - so you could try one for an easy fasting day - for free :D What are you waiting for? Give them a go!

Aha! You mean if I cancel my usual order (I get one a fortnight), they'll tempt me back with half price deals??? Clever!
Well that's what they do for me! They're always trying to tempt me back :)
Already signed up - get first box next week = working day food substitute I hope! Will see what they're like and report back ...
Hi, Moogie, just found out there is a USA site and the boxes of snacks, nuts and seeds etc. look great BUT we need an invitation code to order/subscribe. Any chance of a similar offer for USA 5:2-ers?? I'm sure lots of us would be interested and would also love to support this site at the same time.

Please see if you can find out?? I know you can do wonders sometimes!!!!
Will have a look through my banner programs and see if Graze USA has any offers I can give you :D
Thank you. Mine should be arriving on Wednesday.
I love mine - I started with the really strict low-cal lo-fat options, but have relaxed that slightly to just teh healthy eating category. My staff know when it's Graze box Wednesday, and are keen to see what's in this week's treasure trove!

I usually pick out something to have soon (the tea and cakes are the best for this, or the olives as they have a short use-by date)

I'll pick the lowest cal punnet and pop it in my handbag for a 80 cal-ish emergency snack.
And the other 2 will get eaten some time during the fortnight.
Thank you so much Moogie! Just ordered, can't wait for it to arrive! :)
Hope you enjoy it :) Think I'll need to get myself another box or so when I get another half price offer from them! Yum :D

Meanwhile, I've contacted Graze USA about any possible offers for our American members.
I've heard back from Graze today who say they do not currently have any such offers for the USA but will let me know if/when they do!

Meanwhile, they have also informed me that users can opt for a 'Light Box' when ordering, which will contain snacks guaranteed to be between 50-150 cals per portion, so a maximum of 600 calories in the entire Graze box - ideal for 5:2ers they tell me!
Moogie this is the one I will be getting! Will post back here what it is like ...
Received my box today! It looks good, will have it tomorrow as I'm fasting :D
I will also be having mine tomorrow - let's compare notes!
Enjoyed my graze box - enough to keep me going all day - especially enjoyed the lovely tea infusion and poppy and lemon cake. Not felt really hungry, enough to take the edge off all day. You can rate what you've had, so they will know what you like ... Looking forward to the next one on Friday, and I would say, give them a go :wink:
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