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Lose a kilo,gain a kilo
12 Sep 2013, 01:16
I have been doing this for quite a few months now,started with 5/2 then decided to do 4/3
The good news is I lost three kilos ,and I had been struggling for years unsuccessfully to lose these few kilos.then I couldn't fast but did 16/8 for a few months and maintained easily
Recently I have gone back to fasting BUT no matter what I do I can not lose any more weight
I have checked my calories on fast and nonfast days and I eat around 500 and 1200
So no problem there.i excersise every day ,I drink water ,I seem to be doing all the right things ..
All I can think is that this is my weight,BMI of 20.3 but would love to be under 20
This week I have started eating a light breakfast again,given up 16/8 and am really enjoying that
Can quite happily skip lunch.
Feel like giving this all up
Not sure how to eat anymore
The other good thing is ,I have totally lost any desire to eat junk food
Re: Lose a kilo,gain a kilo
12 Sep 2013, 02:02
You mean that you are eating 1200 on feast day? So if you are doing 5:2, you average 1000 calories a day, even less if you are doing 4:3.

Or you are eating more than you think, or your metabolism is really in trouble. Have you seen your dr? Because that level of calories is really not healthy.
Re: Lose a kilo,gain a kilo
12 Sep 2013, 02:54
Why are you restricting your calories so severely? You're probably just slowed your metabolism to a crawl so that it would learn to live in starvation mode.

Figure out what your TDEE is using that calculator. That's the amount of calories you should be eating on a feast day.
Re: Lose a kilo,gain a kilo
12 Sep 2013, 06:49
Sounds more like a temporary dieting effort than 5:2 to me. Why do you want to be under BMI 20?
Re: Lose a kilo,gain a kilo
12 Sep 2013, 07:08
Tracieknits, I've used several online TDEE calculators and they all give me a range of low 1500s. For some reason, the one you've linked to gives me a result of 1335. I'd cross-check it before relying on it.
Re: Lose a kilo,gain a kilo
12 Sep 2013, 07:47
Hi Sarah!
You have done very well to lose those 3 kilograms - that is a HUGE achievement, particularly as you were already at a healthy weight. Be kind to yourself and don't obsess about calories - the whole point of this wol is to enjoy food and be relaxed and happy around it.
Go back to basics, eat well for five days, and by now you really don't need to calorie count, just enjoy eating good food. You no longer eat junk so that's great! Then, on your fast days, be strict and don't go over your allowance.
You really need to figure out why it is so important to you to go below 20 bmi and if it is worth the mental pain of "not knowing how to eat anymore". Better to be happy and at ease with a healthy, slim body than to be miserable and feeling deprived with a thinner body, don't you think? Sometimes, the price is too high and just not worth it! :heart:
Re: Lose a kilo,gain a kilo
12 Sep 2013, 07:52
Hi Sarah,

Mmmmmm, yes, very annoying but now that you have decided to relax your regime a little I bet you start to see a drop, hope so. You have done really well so far and think of the health benefits that you will be gaining even if you are not continuously losing weight, good luck,
Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Lose a kilo,gain a kilo
12 Sep 2013, 10:41
Thanks all
I think this morning when I wrote the above I was thinking that its time to relax this all
I don't actually count calories every dy ,just do a quick check occasionally.
I agree a BMI of 20 is fine,I suppose I just fear the weight will come back
I am going to take all the good advice above ,give up counting calories,eat normally
but healthily most of the time and do 5-2 but no more 16-8 or anything else.
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