The FastDay Forum

5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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The measurement on your rice, was it cooked or dry?
I assumed dry weight for the calorie count recipe calculator because it was cooked in the chicken broth that the recipe specifies, so that could be a source of error.

These calorie counter tools are very useful but there are many chances to mess up including me entering the wrong amounts to the people who enter calorie counts getting it wrong!
Betsysgr8 the mesurement (100g) was before it was cooked and 350g was after everything was cooked.

However we ate it yesterday, it was delicious, and, as we share between the 3 of us, you can easily imagine there was not a lot of it per person. Had it with some steamed veg and lean meat so there souldn't be any damage and anyway yesterday was a non fast day so all is good :wink:
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