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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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I am with Ballerina all the way here, and many others.
My wish is to have easy access to unhomogenised and unpasteurised milk. The homogenisation of milk has caused untold problems in the human body's metabolism of milk products by interfering with the molecular structure of the fats. And in this day and age, I believe that there is the expertise out there to enable milk production to be tuberculin-free without the need for pasteurisation, which I feel also damages the natural nutrients.
Crikey, I can get carried away on this forum with my quirky ideas.
We oldies in the US can remember our parents buying margarine even after the war when butter was no longer rationed. (We must save money, you know). In NY state anyway the dairy lobby had the law passed that margarine could not be sold pre-colored. One type was a plastic bag of lard-y looking stuff with an embedded "button" of dye. You had to knead the bag until the stuff in the button was distributed through the other stuff. Another type was in a block and came with a powder to be mixed in with a spoon. All good exercise for the arms, I guess.

After I married and became the boss of my own kitchen, I don't think I ever bought margarine. I'd rather take my chances with something natural. My sister's husband was thought by my parents to be almost immorally selfish and wasteful because he wanted real butter! (I probably didn't tell them what I was buying) Interesting how necessity becomes virtue becomes morality.
GMH wrote: I love it!

I love it that much I marry it with fresh garlic and lay it on sourdough toast, with a tiny sprinkle of salt.

Um, but my body does not. I have to make this combo with a spread made with olive oil, not as nice as butter.

A different post maybe, but if I had borderline high cholesterol does fasting 2 days allow me to indulge in some butter some days of the week, assuming my levels had lowered? I dont want to take lipitor tablets.
zamale wrote:
GMH wrote: I love it!

I love it that much I marry it with fresh garlic and lay it on sourdough toast, with a tiny sprinkle of salt.

Um, but my body does not. I have to make this combo with a spread made with olive oil, not as nice as butter.

A different post maybe, but I have borderline high cholesterol does fasting 2 days allow me to indulge in some butter some days of the week, assuming my levels had lowered? I dont want to take lipitor tablets.
I crave butter. I would choose butter over chocolate most days. I use to eat a mixing bowl of popcorn with a whole stick (8) tbsps of melted butter on Friday nights. I try to limit that now, reduce the amount of butter and add some coconut oil. Practically a health food now right? Veggie, fruit, and dairy rolled into one!
I love butter but doesn't seem to be abble to keep it fresh. I mean, after a few days, it becomes darker and rancid so I don't buy butter as often as I would like. I cook only with olive oil, never use margarine. Butter is only for my toasts in the morning or to eat with radishes for example. I looooooove radishes...
Lurpak soft is the nearest I can get to buying butter, but a 250gm tub lasts for nearly 3 weeks and is mostly eaten by MOH who has sandwiches. I just use 1 tsp if I am scrambling eggs.
We never had margarine at home but I remember the first time I tried it at a friend's house. It was on bread with jam. I didn't eat it (of course) and then I went home and told my mum that they had something that looked like butter but tasted like puke. ;-)
@Manderley please clarify (no pun intended) is that buttered toast with radish
it's butter on fresh bread with a pinch of salt with pink radishes
Hi Zamale,

My cholesterol level is a magnificent 7 and I don't care a hoot. I eat butter, cream etc without a care because I do not believe it has any impact on cholesterol levels and there is wealth of information out there that agrees with me. I will NEVER EVER take statins to reduce it, there are many reasons for this but the most important one is that statins are a complete and total waste of time, energy and money for post menopausal women, like me. My husband has been left with, what looks like, permanent muscle damage from them and he is one of the lucky ones. Don't worry about cholesterol but Reading about it might make you feel happier.

Ballerina x :heart:
Manderley I love radish so I must try although my bread consumption these days is limited. But I did used to occasionally indulge with fresh bread butter and vegemite ... yum :razz:

Ballerina interesting about he statins ... I have always been wary that it is all too simple to pop a pill and I don't believe in those margarines either to slather on to reduce cholesterol. Moderation Is my modus operandi, butter thinly spread if you must
Hi Gillymary,

Why spread thinly? It really will not do you any harm, we have all been sold a pup with these cholesterol lowering Frankenstein 'foods', animals will not touch margarine, they would rather starve and it NEVER degrades so put some out in your back garden and that is where it will sit forever, a bit like me then :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
Statins are a must if there is a history of certain cardiac problems in the immediate family and diet isn't helping. Other than that, it is better to avoid them!!!

I agree with Gillymary, everything in moderation. :-)
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