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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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Some of the spreadable butter is just whipped so its lighter and softer, then quick chilled so it keeps the air in it. Just check the ingredients label. If its just butter and salt you have the real thing. In the UK that is.
Labeling regulations elsewhere may be different.
Ballerina wrote: Hi Zamale,

My cholesterol level is a magnificent 7 and I don't care a hoot. I eat butter, cream etc without a care because I do not believe it has any impact on cholesterol levels and there is wealth of information out there that agrees with me. I will NEVER EVER take statins to reduce it, there are many reasons for this but the most important one is that statins are a complete and total waste of time, energy and money for post menopausal women, like me. My husband has been left with, what looks like, permanent muscle damage from them and he is one of the lucky ones. Don't worry about cholesterol but Reading about it might make you feel happier.

Ballerina x :heart:

Thankyou Ballerina,

I had bookmarked 'what most doctors wont tell you about cholesterol at
Interesting read. I think the doctors want to sell their statins more than what may be truth.
I have heard side effects from statins can be unpleasant. Sorry about your husbands side effects.
Where cholesterol is concerned, in the UK anyway where yearly screening is NOT the norm, many, many people with high cholesterol have long and fulfilling lives not knowing they have this supposed problem. Mainly because they are above the arbitary average limit set by doctors. It is only people who are regularly screened or who have OTHER problems that have their cholesterol tested.
The brand of NZ butter I use promises all they add to make it spreadable is water. Ballerina I just am in the habit of a thin spread of butter now if I use any but if making a cake or whenever in cooking I have my butter at the ready. I also substitute with virgin olive oil or might use a yoghurt.

My key to everything is make it myself from scratch as much as possible as ready made with 'animal' fats just have no idea what kind of fat has really been added in processing. I like to know what is in things. I have even had a go at making my own butter it is easy to do
i'm with you all. Butter is Better.
Always French butter, locally made ( I am surrounded by dairy cows). Love it on my toast ( homemade bread) and now use it for baking too. All part of trying to clean up my food. I am dumping the chemicals!
Another butter fan here. I prefer unsalted as that way I can decide how much salt to add.

For those who don't have access to butter if you have access to fresh cream (buy the cream that is 100% cream, make sure it contains no thickeners such as gelatine) you just need to put it into your mixer and with the whisk attachment whip it up, it will go from liquid cream to soft peaks to hard peaks to grainy hard peaks to yellow gold oops I mean butter. When it is yellow you will notice that it is often is small "chunks". Place this in a muslin and squeeze out the excess water. Form the butter into a block (or whatever shape you want) and you are done.

To make this worth my while I buy about 1.2 Litres of cream and the beauty of making your own butter is that you can choose to buy organic cream from grass fed cows. Alternatively you can always make it from regular (non organic) cream too.
Wow! :grin: :grin: :grin:

Just going off to make my Sunday morning toast-with-butter-and-apricot-jam now! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Good morning Gillymary,

We have also made our own butter and it is lovely but very expensive as you have to buy buckets of double cream but also great fun to do. I might try the spreadable type but I'm such a traditionalist, I'll let you know, :like:

Good morning Silverdarling,

Good grief woman, did you have to mention TOAST? :shock: You've done it now, bloomin heck, TOAST! :shock: Well, I'm all undone now that you have mentioned TOAST. :shock: Hope you enjoy your TOAST, ggrrrr! :cry: :starving:

Ballerina x :heart:

P.S. I see Bobshouse also mentioned TOAST, :shock: is there no mercy for me on this site? :wink:
The joys of eliminating certain food groups sorry Ballerina I wey heyed today and had soy and linseed toast with tomato and haloumi grind of salt and pepper (note no butter) It was luvley!
140lbs, don't get me wrong, I understand that you have a condition and you can't eat carbs but I can't for the love of God believe that eating them (when one is healthy) can cause all the misery in the world. Of course there are healthy carbs and of course our body needs them. And if all you said was true then my grandmother's generation (they lived on carbs, when they wanted dessert they ate bread with sugar) wouldn't have passed the age of 40 and yet they are the longest lived generation of Greece so far.
Dear Ballerina - there has been a TOAST hiatus while I read another POST :curse:
However, now I'm going to need an extra piece of TOAST to get over that POST! :shock: :wink:

Please do the same - you know you deserve it! :like: :clover: :heart:
BTW, what I said above is true.

When my grandparents were growing up, the most popular dessert was bread dipped in water and then in sugar. The old ones dipped it in red wine, if they had any.

When my parents were growing up, the most popular dessert was butter with bread and sugar. During Christmas and Easter they did the same with the sweet bread that we make for the occasion.

I totally hate the sugar with bread thing but I love toasting sweet bread and then spreading loads of butter on it!!!
Is it OK to delete the breakfast I just had and have toast with butter?
... Or what about bread dipped in egg and then fried ...
... FRENCH TOAST!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

( Ballerina - are you still listening?? :shock: :shock: :shock: )

TML - go ahead, it's Sunday, and you can way'hey' all you like??? (Great new verb use, gillymary :like: :like: :like: )
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