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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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Congratulations SSure, you are in a very tiny minority, like me.
Meanwhile, back to butter.............

Can't get Kerrygold here unfortunately, so I buy the best I can.
Anyone here tried making butter from scratch.

I havent but do make garlic butter and should try doing herb butters like at bottom of this link ... ake-butter
Juliana.Rivers wrote: Anyone here tried making butter from scratch.

I havent but do make garlic butter and should try doing herb butters like at bottom of this link ... ake-butter

Yes, we have but it is a very expensive way to get butter even if you manage to get pints of cream cheaply. That said, it is also very easy, just whip double cream til it separates and hey pesto, you have butter. If you use an electric mixer to whip then don't take your eyes off it because it makes an unholy mess if you don't switch off your machine immediately it separates as the whey gets thrown around the room. Good luck, it's good fun to try but not practical for me I prefer to just buy Normandy butter with sea salt crystals, mmmmm!

Ballerina xx :heart:
Good morning @Ballerina! Mmm butter with sea salt crystals..
So hungry this morning ( fasting) ...xx
I bought a really high quality butter for the Holidays, as a treat. It's a bit pricey but oh sooo good.. I mean, you see the difference between this and the more basic supermarket butter, it' more luxurious I guess and the idea to have it as a treat during the Holidays was an idea I really liked and I don't regret it one bit :razz:
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