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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

35 posts Page 2 of 3
Re: Hairy Dieters Book
14 Mar 2013, 13:39
I'd second this recommendation - I love the book and use it for making family meals on fast and non-fast days. So far the fish pie, chicken pie and turkey meatballs (I think) and chilli have all turned out great, sensible portions and I just add veg for the fasters if needed and carbs for the non-fasters. They definitely don't taste like they're 'diet food'
Re: Hairy Dieters Book
14 Mar 2013, 15:42
Another thumbs up for this book! Everything I've tried has been delicious! Can't decide on a favourite but it's between the Chicken Jalfrezi and the Cottage Pie. Yummy! :D
Re: Hairy Dieters Book
15 Mar 2013, 10:05
Just joining in to add my thumbs up for the Hairy Boys! I use the book a lot and have found it very useful. The food really doesn't feel like "diet" food and is easy to cook. I do avoid the cakes section though, as I think I'd eat too many! I made the lemon drizzle cupcakes as a loaf cake though - it was delicious. We ate it all. Very very quickly!!!
Re: Hairy Dieters Book
23 Mar 2013, 17:32
Yep. That's the one. A great buy.
Re: Hairy Dieters Book
23 Mar 2013, 17:57
I bought this after the recommendation on here - we'll be trying our first two recipes this week. Can't wait!
Re: Hairy Dieters Book
23 Mar 2013, 18:27
Great stuff thanks! Will get it now as the kindle version is reduced at the mo!
Re: Hairy Dieters Book
23 Mar 2013, 18:50
Do try the chili and ginger salmon it is divine! Nothing like diet food. I have it fast day with roasted veg. Have yet to find a recipe I don't like. The Spanish chicken is great, I vary the veg and add extra.
Re: Hairy Dieters Book
23 Mar 2013, 20:32
Just bought the kindle version and it looks fab! Will definitely be trying some of those recipes :grin:
Re: Hairy Dieters Book
24 Mar 2013, 07:30
I have been doing these, I did the Jalphressi and the sweet and sour yesterday for fasting this week ( and OH lunches at work) They were both excellent.

I don't use the oil but fry light and also use more tom puree than cornflour as it lower in calories, the sauce splits a bit, but the taste is better IMO.

I did the chilli with Half lean mince and half quorn, and this was very good too, it drops the fat down a fair bit doing this.

The Jellies are good, but "flatten" your lemonade first or it sets with a "head" on it!

Most of the recipes are on MFP too so that makes logging very easy as well.

Re: Hairy Dieters Book
24 Mar 2013, 08:42
Thank you for all the recommendations! I have just ordered the book and can't wait to try out the recipes mentioned by you all!
Re: Hairy Dieters Book
24 Mar 2013, 12:31
I made the minced beef and potato pie with the pizza dough but found it very tricky to divide the dough and get it to fit into the pie case so I then tried it with short crust pastry (this was before I started this WOL), very nice. I like the filling that much I have just worked out that there are 847 calories in the pie filling alone before dividing it into portions. This would be good for a few fast days. What do other members think?
Re: Hairy Dieters Book
24 Mar 2013, 14:27
I've made the mince beef and potato pies with the pizza dough a few times - they freeze well but reheat in the oven not microwave. The pizza dough was a bit fiddly at first but it is stretchy. I have one on a fast day with some sprouts and a little gravy. Today I'm going to make the cheese, leek & onion pasties and with all this cold weather I'll have them with potato croquettes and heinz spaghetti. Tomorrow I'll have one with salad and a little bit of mayo for fast day dinner.
Re: Hairy Dieters Book
24 Mar 2013, 21:28
Bought the kindle version - I'll try a few of the recipes over the next few weeks.
Re: Hairy Dieters Book
24 Mar 2013, 22:08
My kids absolutely loved the chicken Korma... I've also done the alfresco and cottage pie, and have the ingredients for the fish pie. So far everything has been delicious :)
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