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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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I'm on my second day of fasting and really struggled on my first with hunger. I didn't eat any breakfast and had cherry tomatoes and carrots for lunch. I still felt really hungry so had a cadbury's highlights hot chocolate which seemed to stave off the hunger for only 40 calories.
I was wondering if anyone else knew of any other foods/drinks that fill you up but don't use up loads of calories.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Hi imanowl and whoooelcome! ;-) see, I 'got' your user name!

Best filling low cal foods are almost all vegetables except potatoes and sweet potatoes. If you are wanting snacks, there is a thread in the recipe section of low cal snacks. Celery is always good. I find a drink of oxo, or bovril or similar staves off hunger pangs for almost no calories. When you get really hungry, wait 30 mins and see if you are still hungry then...usually it passes. For dinner I advise having as much veg as you can manage with a small portion of fish or chicken. I often have a stir fry of leeks/spring onions, celery, carrots, peppers, courgette, green beans, mushrooms fried in a squirt of spray oil and flavoured with a little soy sauce, some fresh ginger and garlic and with a squeeze of lemon juice for sharpness. Often it is too much for me to finish and comes in at around 450 cals (I don't have breakfast or lunch).
i found those frozen vegetable packs good, you know thai, chinese and they are just vegetables with no sauces! I forgot the brand but I can consult the freezer if you can't find anything next time you shop!

I used fizzy no cal apple flavoured water, drink 250-500ml and then if i am hungry i eat porridge or scrambled egg (egg isn't super filling i know but somehow in my mind it is)
Good topic as I haven't a clue what to have for my 400 calories tonight.
Courgettes, Onions, Garlic, Mushrooms, Peppers, Tomatoes, Celery, Herbs and spices, Ginger.
Lots of pickled veg if you like it, Red Cabbage and Gherkins are great ( Lidl do a 1kg jar cheap, and nice)
And there are less calories in an egg than a slice of bread! Amazing
I use fry light 1 cal spray and make stir fries with the veg, or fry it off and add to an omlette.
Sugar Free Jellies are 10 cals and really nice after your meal to keep picking at
Oxo cubes in a mug, 11 cals, really keeps hunger at bay.

Avoid fruit, yoghurt, pasta, rice, cheese, and pots.

Veg Drawer soup with Chopped Toms and Tom puree, with what ever spices you like is a great low cal option, but the New Covent Garden soups, and Heinz big soups are just as good, I like Rocket Salad with it, as you can "wilt" it in the soup for more body and flavour.

Hairy Bikers book for ideas as well.

Oh nearly forgot, Tesco Value Cauliflower cheese, whole box is 200 cals, which is amazing, allot of the ready meals are 300 - 400, and you can get pretty much anything with that, even if your hungry as a .............faster
I find apples very filling, at about 50 calories apiece.
Eggs! About 80 cals per medium size egg. I don't bother making fancy meals for fast days. I quite often just do some scrambled eggs in the microwave with a splash of milk, no fat needed. If I'm feeling more adventurous, I might make it foo yung stylie and throw in some chopped spring onions, garlic, ginger and a few cooked prawns. It's simple, quick and filling and not much washing up!
Hi! Soups .. Ainsleys thai chicken or mushroom is excellent really filling at 87 cals. or miso soup 27 cals
Celery with light cheesy triangles spread in the groove. Pickled onions are good too. I sometimes have my breakfast for tea so Porridge and loads of berries (not blueberries they're quite high cal~~). Melon salad. It's also a good idea if you can be that organised to have a really great salad ready chopped in the fridge with as much variety as possible. Homemade veggie soup, as it usually works out to be around 100 cals per portion.
Ubizmo wrote: I find apples very filling, at about 50 calories apiece.

I find fruit really filling too but have read that you should try and avoid eating fruit on fast days, is this true?
Dr M days in his recent interview that low cal fruit like apples, strawberries are ok but not things like pineapples, grapes, melon, and to avoid smoothies.
Oh that's a shame - I love pineapple and red grapes. And melon. Rats.
He describes grapes as "sugar in a bag"!
Does anyone know whether oranges are ok to eat on fast days?
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