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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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I use olive oil but dont eat olives
They look too much like dogs snouts :0)
I love your photo Moogie, Well done, you look great. It's like photos of two different people. :)
I love the pitted dried black ones - I get mine from a Cypriot friend, whose family grows and makes them. he tells me they are the ones eaten in Cyprus.
He also does enormous green ones with lemon, garlic and chillies - I'm dribbling now!

Hub didn't like olives when we first met - he does now!
I love olives, any colour or type.

I never buy olives in brine in the jars you see at the supermarkets - they have been pasteurised for long life so utterly tasteless and with a rubbery texture. Much better to buy from a deli, where they will be fresh.
I hated Olives for years, but persevered and literally in one eat, I suddenly went from 'ugh' to 'yum' and have loved them since. It's like you can suddenly 'get' them.

I love the big fat green ones stuffed with a tomato or a feta cheese filling, yummy.
CandiceMarie wrote: I use olive oil but dont eat olives
They look too much like dogs snouts :0)

Well, that made me laugh :lol: :grin: :lol: Oh, and I HATE olives, yuk yuk!

Ballerina x :heart:
Thankfully, my dogs no not have green snouts stuffed with chilli or garlic!!
Azureblue wrote: Do you like them green or black (and what's the difference anyway)?
Which are the best from where?
I didn't get on with them for years gone by, but thanks to 5/2 my palate is changing and olives are apparently remarkably healthy, so where to embark on my journey with them?
Thank you World of Fasters :0)

They are very high in fat aren't they (albeit "good" fat)?

I love them btw.
I love kalamata olives on a pizza. :pizza: Try a big green Sicilian olive they are very mild and a good introduction for an olive newbie I think. :-)
I love olives, all olives (except maybe American supermarket ones). I loved them from a young age. One of my happiest days in Okinawa was the day I finally found some good olives here. Still haven't found nice kalamatas here....
Love all olives! and garlic too! ;)
I just love olives . I eat them like sweets but they must be fresh out of a Deli. Yum I which I had some in the house I finished them yesterday. Now you've done it I REALY WANT SOME OLIVES. :curse: :cry:
Yum, can't get enough of them, although it took until my late twenties to come round to them. I adore the tiny Ligurian ones that we get from the local Italian deli, along with balsamic onions and salty fetta. Now I'm hungry and it is only 7.40am!!!
Try baked garlis, looses its 'garlickyness', very sweet and tasty!
You sound like my kind of Anglo Saxon izzy, although I may be wrong?! A jug of real ale and I will join you with the cheddar and pickled onion, but a chunk of good bread please!
I shall add my voice to enjoying the 'what do we think of' posts. Just don't get me started on chocolate!!!
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