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17/7 today
11 Sep 2013, 09:12
It's a slight variation on 16/8 - eating only between noon and 7pm. Also attempting to keep my cals down to 1000 - 1200, as they would be if I ate one meal less (breakfast).
My weight is now bobbling between 69 and 70kgs, which is great in terms of a year ago, but annoying in terms of the last month.
Oooooh why do we always want more, or in this case, less?
Re: 17/7 today
11 Sep 2013, 09:26
My 'window' is rarely 8 hours, it's more often anything from the time it takes to eat one meal (10-30min?) to 3 or 4 hours which gives me a daily fast of anything from 17-23.5 hours and I feel great on it. No hard and fast rules, ooh, pun there, :grin: I just do what I feel like on any given day and social events are easily worked around this. :victory:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: 17/7 today
11 Sep 2013, 10:06
I'll get back to 16:8 today. I'll try my best to also do an attack day with not too many calories.
Will do my best but my stomach is not in a very good condition after the trip. :-(
Re: 17/7 today
11 Sep 2013, 10:42
@TML - good to have you back on here posting more - sounds like you had a great holiday..I mean working holiday ha! ha!
@Ballerina, re your eating time slot, there is an interesting post by Dominic way back in April, about an article in the Telegraph on Lionel Shriver and how she's only eaten one meal a day for years. If you type Lionel into the search box and go to the early posts you'll find it easily enough.
Re: 17/7 today
11 Sep 2013, 10:57
Hi Dhana
I only have one meal on fast days
But the rest of the time my window has now shrunk to 4-6 hours. It's not a hard and fast rule just something that seems to be evolving easily.
Weekends are different and if my family are having lazy late breakfasts, I like to join them, more for the sense of occassion, as I really don't feel hungry anymore before 1-2

I'm going to look up that article now that you suggested.
Cheers :like:
Re: 17/7 today
11 Sep 2013, 11:21
Hi Dhana,

Thanks for that, as I've said on here before, Des O'Connor, who? You have to be old to know who! Has only ever eaten one meal a day all his adult life and my cousin's husband, he of the S of France, also only eats lunch and he is 70 and did the Great Glen walk whilst we were lazing by their pool in June, that's 90 miles in 5 days, so not much wrong with him. :lol:

The thing is, for some folk this just come naturally and when I was young and slim I ate ,much more sparingly and some days (not very often) not at all and I never realised that I was indulging in IF. It was only other folk, and a degree of greed, that made me eat more than my body wanted or needed. Now that I am here I cannot see me deviate but I realise that sometimes life grabs you by the throat and things change I,e, illness, bereavement, trauma etc can send us all haywire but at least I feel more able to cope if any of these things happen to me.

Emerald, I'm glad that you are also at ease with this way of eating, I just LOVE it but I also accept that we are all individual and it won't suit everyone but, for me, this is the beauty of 5:2 so good luck :clover:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: 17/7 today
11 Sep 2013, 11:37
Just read the article mentioned by Dhana and felt I was reading about myself.................

" I was a scrawny, picky eater. Lunch was a pain; I’d rather have kept playing.
My appetite improved, but during an athletic adolescence I ate whatever I liked"................

Excellent read, thank you Dhana

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: 17/7 today
11 Sep 2013, 11:39
Thanks Ballerina
It was by and large all your posts that inspired me to try this type of IF
I started on holidays simply by skipping breakfast, as I had lost the run of myself prior to holidays and didn't want to do anymore damage.
When I came back and got stuck into 5:2 again, I decided also to keep with 16:8 at least for 5 days a week.
Since then the window has shrunk a bit but it's effortless, so I think this way of eating is really easy for me.
My weight loss is still slow, but at least it's moving(downwards) again.
I'm confident I'll get there as I don't have to put much effort or thought into eating like this and I believe that's the key to any long term weight loss/maintenance strategy

So a big thank you again :heart:
I'm sure I'm only one of many that your posts have helped :smile:
Re: 17/7 today
11 Sep 2013, 11:40
Aw you guys... I love breakfast so much! Starting my day with my favourite coffee and biscuits is something that I look forward to.
There is a saying "the good days shows from the morning" and, to me, a good morning is not a hungry one... :-(
Re: 17/7 today
11 Sep 2013, 11:56
TML13 wrote: "the good days shows from the morning" and, to me, a good morning is not a hungry one... :-(

That's the thing TML, some of us are just not hungry in the morning :smile:
Re: 17/7 today
11 Sep 2013, 12:00
Emerald, thank you for the lovely compliment xx :heart:

TML, my husband also cannot do without breakfast, nothing wrong with that, we are all different, just like Annie says, so enjoy your coffee and biscuits, xx :razz:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: 17/7 today
11 Sep 2013, 12:28
I will say goodbye to them for a while, only to welcome them back with warm hugs as soon as I reach my target -again, LOL.
Re: 17/7 today
13 Sep 2013, 12:12
So I did 17/7 the last two days and decided today is an eat day but as few carbs as possible, so no bread or sugar. I had to ditch my livestrong app that I've used since I started IF and lost all that data (the free app wanted me to upgrade to pay and no longer showed half my entries :0() so I've started on myfitnesspal app and hope it plays kindly. Thank goodness I still have my progress tracker on here or there'd be nothing to show for 9 months of change!
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