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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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5:2 and infections?
12 Sep 2013, 10:45
5:2 is a very recent thing here in Sweden, after the initial hype lot's of people are starting to crack jokes about it, ridiculing it as a another silly fad diet and there's some negative writing about it. All to be expected I guess.

A friend of mine said he had read or heard about how 5:2 was supposed to make you more prone to infections, hampering your immune system.

Is there any basis for such concerns? Any evidence IF makes you get a cold or other infections more often? I know actual starvation weakens your immune system a lot, but intermittent fasting?
Re: 5:2 and infections?
12 Sep 2013, 11:04
In my > 6 months on this forum I have never seen any comments to that effect.

PERSONALLY I have not had a single health problem since starting 5:2 on 26th Feb, if anything I would say that I feel healthier (almost certainly because of losing weight!) and my skin is much clearer (drinking a lot more water).

Other members may well be able to give you more researched & technical replies.
Re: 5:2 and infections?
12 Sep 2013, 11:50
Hi Michael, MM's original idea for 5:2 was because research seemed to suggest that fasting helps the body fight infections. Generally speaking animals, and to a certain extent ourselves, stop eating when sick.

Researchers appear to have an open mind but seem to be learning towards a positive attitude that 5:2 is beneficial in terms of health. Doctors, etc., need research based evidence before giving firm advice.

Having had some health issues over the last couple of years - not 5:2 related - I think it has helped through those periods.

My parents firmly believed in fasting us kids if we were ill.
Re: 5:2 and infections?
12 Sep 2013, 13:19
I have also not been ill at all since starting 5:2ing in January. The research seems to indicate a boost to the immune system not a reduction because fasting gives our body "a rest" & time to go into cell repair mode.
Re: 5:2 and infections?
12 Sep 2013, 13:30
I've had 3 bad urinary tract infections in the last year (started fasting Aug 2011). I have had them before but never 3 in a year - maybe 1 every second or 3rd year. On 5:2 after I fasted my gut was a bit sensitive to junk food. My body prefers 16:8 as it's not so drastic and my eating pattern is more stable. However I still had and still have other benefits like I've never felt more energetic and my lungs feel clearer (not that there was any problem before, but when I breath in air now it just feels really fresh!) and my head feels really clear too!
Re: 5:2 and infections?
12 Sep 2013, 14:24
Been 5:2-ing for 7 months and now that I think about it, I haven't had a cold in all that time. Usually get a couple a year so it'll be interesting to see what happens now the weather's changing.
Re: 5:2 and infections?
12 Sep 2013, 15:51
On another thread it seems that a few people have felt the start of a cold on the mornings of a fast day, but its gone by dinner time. The jury is out on whether its the fast causing a cold (I can't see how) or that being in fast mode and therefore repairing internally has helped to fight off the cold bug before it has chance to gain a foothold.

I too am hoping the latter works, as I always get one nasty cold each winter that turns into a really nasty cough and bronchitis. I usually end up sleeping on the sofa as its a recliner and I can sleep propped up to help my breathing. If I don't get that this year then I will be in the camp of 'fasting helps your immune system'.
Re: 5:2 and infections?
12 Sep 2013, 17:19
I have always been very prone to catching every cold or flu like bug around - something of a sickly-nose-person all my life. Since starting 5:2 I have had just one flu-like bug and while it knocked my husband out for the best part of 2 weeks, I was over it within a week and didn't actually suffer badly with it at all. One or two very short lived colds have been barely noticeable compared with normal too. I have also been prone to ear infections, none since starting 5:2; thrush - only once compared since 5:2 (and it used to be every few months). Even the occasional bout of cystitis seems to clear up almost instantly.
Re: 5:2 and infections?
12 Sep 2013, 17:40
The thing that really drew me to 5:2 was the story on MM's book about the woman who had cancer and fasted before she had chemo and had no side effects, the next time she didn't fast and she was ill!

Personally I generally keep very good health but I'm guaranteed to get the common cold which I did a couple of weeks ago and I've still not shaken it off. I'm quite disappointed about this as others around me either didn't get the cold or it came and went in a couple of days.
Re: 5:2 and infections?
12 Sep 2013, 19:16
8 months on 5:2 since January and no colds/ coughs/ flu..... etc. Feel fit and well. Was prone to all those before in February!
Re: 5:2 and infections?
12 Sep 2013, 20:32
As for other bodily problems. My son who is on 5:2 with me, had surgery under a local anesthetic as he was too over weight to have a general anesthetic. The surgery was only to to do as much as they could , but with the knowledge that they were only slowing down the progress not curing him. The surgeon at the six week check up was astounded at the speed of my sons healing. He was joyfully bouncing around the room exclaiming ' I am amazed its healed so much'.

We are hoping that my son has lost enough weight so that he can have the rest of the surgery now.
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