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5:2 is "The Gourmet Diet"
16 Mar 2015, 00:42

After a weekend of good eating (I reserve fast days to week-days), I truly believe 5: 2 (or 4:3) is the "Gourmet Diet" cause you can have the most superb food most days of the week and still be "on a diet" and not be gaining weight.

I had a fantastic Smorgasboard meal on Friday night, a Thai feast Saturday followed by Gelato, and on Sunday this amazing orange, almond and plum cake with cardamon cream. Anyone who is on my facebook as a "friend" knows the food we prepare here or eat out and enjoy.

And with all this food, I am still on a "diet" as I ensure that I complete a good fast on 2 or 3 days a week. Of course on feast days I need to be mindful of your full TDEE so it's not just non stop eating but even so I feel I can and should enjoy treats.

What can be simpler?

And how better can one sustain such a lifestyle forever. Love love love it.

the cake from last night .. Addicted to cardamon and loving anything with orange and almonds.. it was.. scrumdiddlyumptious. could have eaten the whole cake! (but i didnt)

orange-plum-almond.jpg (154.38 KiB) Viewed 512 times

Another "foodie" from Sydney who seems to be incorporating 5:2 as a fantastic adjunct to gourmet eating is Tanja.. dont know her at all but she combines low calorie foods with the best gourmet delights on her blog. Her 5:2 diet ideas are fabulous..
Re: 5:2 is "The Gourmet Diet"
16 Mar 2015, 03:32
That cake looks absolutely stunning!
Re: 5:2 is "The Gourmet Diet"
16 Mar 2015, 03:46
oh my, it's a fast day. I shouldn't have looked at this post!
Re: 5:2 is "The Gourmet Diet"
16 Mar 2015, 04:43
It was reaeeeeaaaaly good. I can inhale anything with cardamon in it and the fresh plums with orange and almond was exquisite

i should have a warning in the thread title if there are yummy pictures @MaryAnn
Re: 5:2 is "The Gourmet Diet"
16 Mar 2015, 05:36
I enjoy your food photos on FB. This is defiantly the diet for people who enjoy food.
Re: 5:2 is "The Gourmet Diet"
16 Mar 2015, 23:28
Wineoclock wrote: I enjoy your food photos on FB. This is defiantly the diet for people who enjoy food.

Thanks @WineoclockI do get carried away with facebook to the point i have even photographed a loaf of bread or a simple pan of pancakes. I suspect 5:2 has something to do with it, as Isay in many places on the board you really appreciate every morsel of food as both a hunger satisfying thing, a cultural tradition to enjoy, a delectable delight or just a way to share good times with family and friends. The photography and posting just helps me share it with my (FB) friends. Unlike just a set of electronic photos.. its good to go back to how i described the moment, and sometimes too how people react with their comments.
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