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Re: 50kg later
27 Feb 2015, 01:37
Congratulations! I also think you look great in the second picture, and you say you have lost 12kg since then and have 10kg still to go?? Hope it's okay to say that is very hard to believe!!
But I totally understand wanting to lose weight from tummy and thighs so if you find the secret to doing so and NOT from your torso, please share. :) :) It probably will involve a lot of upper body weight training??
Best wishes and good luck! :clover:
Re: 50kg later
07 Mar 2015, 12:18
@mas54321 not sure what is supposed to be 'haggard' about your face? Looks healthy and slim, good look if you ask me. :)
Congratulations and full steam ahead on that 10kgs waiting to be shed.
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