Hey All 5:2ers
This is my first time using the new fast day site,and first fast day after having taken some time off fasting. I've had a pretty busy month( may ) of celebrations involving parties,cakes,meals out,alcohol and all the naughty stuff that we know are bad....moderation and all that. Granddaughters birthday party my birthday mine and husbands 25th wedding anniversary 3more birthdays of friends. Having weighed I've gained 10lb I'm not hung up about it I know what I need to do and today started back on a much needed fast day and I feel really great. I have had tea and water all day and at 5pm sat down to a tuna salad and coffee and am feeling quite full. Happy fasting everyone I'm off now to do some much needed catching up on forum news
Cheers all Cheryl x
This is my first time using the new fast day site,and first fast day after having taken some time off fasting. I've had a pretty busy month( may ) of celebrations involving parties,cakes,meals out,alcohol and all the naughty stuff that we know are bad....moderation and all that. Granddaughters birthday party my birthday mine and husbands 25th wedding anniversary 3more birthdays of friends. Having weighed I've gained 10lb I'm not hung up about it I know what I need to do and today started back on a much needed fast day and I feel really great. I have had tea and water all day and at 5pm sat down to a tuna salad and coffee and am feeling quite full. Happy fasting everyone I'm off now to do some much needed catching up on forum news
Cheers all Cheryl x