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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I am new to this forum, have been on here a few weeks but yet to post anything. Have being on 5:2 7 weeks now & lost 10lbs. Really chuffed with myself! I usually choose Monday & Wednesday as my fast days but have majorly fallen today! Does this happen to anyone else? I usually just have a 500 calorie lunch which I did today but as soon as I got home I went straight into the kitchen. I have managed to devour a whole (BIG!) bag of walkers sensations & made myself a cheese toasty!!! I have already had a busy weekend with dinners out so not too sure why I just gave in? Just wondered if anyone else finds the evening hard, this is the first time I have done this although have stayed the same two weeks running :( Help! x
Hi and welcome:

No problem - just do a fast day another day. Sometimes, it takes awhile to get used to eating less.

Here are some tips for those just starting 5:2: 5-2-diet-chat-f6/topic6317.html

And here is what you might expect going forward:
It happens, don't worry about it.

I split my calories into at least 2 meals and I always leave 50 to spare in the late evening. Perhaps you should consider doing something similar, os that you won't have any hard times of day. :-)
Keep on Keeping on!!
Hi and Welcome Yes we all get days like that :like: Put it behind you and try do do another day if possible if not forget it !!! That's the beauty of this WOL its so flexible and you make it. ''Fit '' you :heart:
For me its easier to save my calories for evening meal and then I usually do 2 courses to make it feel like a reward for going the 24 hrs.
You've done extremely well so far so focus on your achievements and praise + reward yourself because you've earned it :clover: Sue
Hey, nobody is perfect otherwise we all wouldn't be here trying to figure this out. :?: Don't be so hard on yourself and pick another day. :confused: Some people save all their calories for 1 meal but others space it out so do what works for you. Lots of support here ! Hang in there ! I find myself reading on the forum when I find myself distracted to gain strength and motivation :lol:
Yes - as the others say, put it behind you - tomorrow is another day.

However you might want to consider delaying having all your calories until later in the day - lunchtime would be quite hard for a lot of us to survive the rest of the day if we'd had all our calories this early in the day, lol! I think you may find it easier as Sue says to delay as long as possible! Once you eat something, hunger pangs can creep up on you and sabotage you!

Also the fact that you had a busy weekend with dinners out may have a bearing ... Sometimes this can make you more hungry, not less, especially if you've had a lot of carbs. It's all about awareness of what you are eating, and it's worth experimenting and taking into account your reactions. And you've made the first step, by questioning your reaction ... Now you just need to put what you've found out into practice. Lots of info on here, just look around - and people are quite ready to share their own experiences - just carry on asking when you need to.
I have ruined many a fast day by eating a little meal early in the day. And you know, it is all in the mind. I don't really feel hungry but my brain says "why not have a little something?" It's like the devil tempting Jesus in the desert. Next thing you know I'm eating again. :shock: Your brain controls everything and I just have to be smarter than it! Do not eat until dinner.
Not everybody can spend an entire day without eating, we should all just find out what suits us and follow it.
Yes TML, individuals do need to find what is comfortable for them. And I am just saying, as others on the forum have also found, that eating early in the day triggers more eating. I was never a breakfaster eater anyway and was shamed into it thinking I would lose weight but I just got heavier.
In my case, eating makes me full. Not eating makes me hungry. And I can't spend a day in hunger...
I am thinking that you must be a gatherer and I am a hunter.
I'm gathering bags and shoes but I also hunt for them...
I have been doing 5:2 since Jan this year, and tonight I have caved in again.
tomorrow is another day and these things happen. I compensate the rest of the week. Not ideal as I like to stick to a routine but this woe allows for flexibilty. My OH is away with work and he is my conscience, that makes me seem weak willed but left on my own I have a tendancy to cave late at night. Don't beat your self up is the motto :smile:

Chris x :heart:
Thank you so much for your replies! What an overwhelming response! I had a work dinner this evenings I am going to try again tomorrow. Maybe I shall try & aim for a later lunch or early supper, feeling motivated to continue. I guess it's trial & error until you find what's comfortable! :D
Thanks! Natalie x
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