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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Aghhh,I feel out of control
01 Jan 2014, 19:41
After fasting well on the 23rd and over eating only a little over Christmas I fasted again on Monday. I had put on a little weight but since then I have just been overeating like mad! I am fasting tomorrow,but how can I get back on track between times. Was doing well.
Re: Aghhh,I feel out of control
01 Jan 2014, 19:52
Sounds like a post holidays carb fest has got hold of you. It happens, it will go, don't stress over it, your body will soon say ENOUGH! You then have to listen to it and stop. Oh and step away from the kitchen & close the door!
Re: Aghhh,I feel out of control
01 Jan 2014, 19:59
Christmas is now over and New Year celebratatons are coming to an end very soon. Once you get back to a normal routine get your mind set in a positive way and start the 5:2 WOE again.

I have had a break and will do my first fast for 2 weeks next Tuesday. I have looked at this as a holiday break. I know what I have gained will come off after 2\3 fasts.

Life is for living.

Diverdoc, keep focused. You WILL get back into it and will be successful if you want it!!

I wish you all the best in reaching your goal.

Re: Aghhh,I feel out of control
01 Jan 2014, 20:43
Leslie,thank you very much. Both posts ave been very helpful.
Re: Aghhh,I feel out of control
01 Jan 2014, 20:46
:clover: Put it all behind you and forget it or you'll get even worse, I'd say fast as soon as you can and reduce your carbs because that's what's probably causing the overeating and more importantly the cravings,,, I've been the same in between xmas and new year and have been doing 16:8 all days then a semi fast last Fri + Mon. At my normal weigh in on Friday I'd gained 1kg which for me was good news this time last year was a totally different story indeed before I found this WOL. I now know I can + will lose that very quickly and am making tomorrow my first fast in over 2weeks, and carb reduction has been my saving grace.
For you to get back on track try doing the fasts as if they were your very first ones ( the ones with caution) and for myself its evening meal only because once I eat then I can lose control but not eating throughout the day keeps the hunger monster asleep :shock: eat even a snack + he wakes up big style.
Re: Aghhh,I feel out of control
01 Jan 2014, 20:49
I've approached it as I would any holiday.
I'm 'back home' tomorrow and holiday is over for another year. Yes, I shall have a bit to lose again, but, boy, did I enjoy that holiday!!
Re: Aghhh,I feel out of control
01 Jan 2014, 22:22
Its the carb cravings.
A coping strategy I will be following today is no carbs or a small proportion of carbs after lunchtime and non at all after dinner (so no sneaky chocolate nibbles or a high carb supper). Then a high protein first meal of the day, whether breakfast or lunch, keeping it low carb all day. Fight the carb monster.

Right now my willpower needs to be Christmas cake proof.
Re: Aghhh,I feel out of control
01 Jan 2014, 22:35
Thank you all. This forum and its members really help,
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