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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Once there was 5:2, then 4:3, and then 16: 8 and all its variants.

with MMs trip to Oz of late it has stirred some discussion in facebook on the new kid on the block

BSD or Blood sugar diet

I have not read the book but had a quick look a tthe site

this link describes 3 options.. one includes 5:2 as "part of the plan" but increasing calories to 800 as long as you follow mediterranan diet on other 5 days of week.

Im not prediabetic or diabetic. but thats effectively what ive been doing.

here are the 3 types.

a) BSD Fast 800:

An intensive 800cal, 8 week, Mediterranean Style Low Carb Diet. Aim for a 10%-20% weight loss or continue for up to 8weeks, depending on your original weight. This approach is a challenge and requires determination, but the benefits are a rapid response in terms of weight loss and improvement in blood sugars. This requires planning and focus for up to eight weeks.

b) The 5:2 BSD:
5 days of Med Style Low Carb Diet, not calorie counting, with 2 days fasting at 800calories.This is a low carb extension of the 5:2 Diet (combines the metabolic benefit of intermittent fasting, with the blood sugar lowering of the med-style low carb diet). This is more flexible and easier to fit with daily life, but is likely to take longer to reach your target weight and blood sugar.

c) BSD Low Carb Med Style:

For those who find fasting too much of a challenge for whatever reason or do not need to lose significant amounts of weight.


THE other option is of course 5:2 std which is 2 days of 1/4 TDEE and then eat normal rest of time. Given there are no restrictions on the type of food you eat, personally i think option b) is preferable to std 5:2 and quite frankly i probably often go to 700 to 800 anyway and my newfound 5 day vegetarianism (not associated to non fast days) is pretty much mediterranean style. Hey he should have just asked me some months back and he would have got his book out earlier :-)
I had always criticised 5:2 for not dictating whether you should eat veg, meat, carb, oil, etc etc.

so happy about this new system.. complex as hell for newbies.. throw in a bit of 16:8 and that muddies the waters even more

Thoughts everyone?
For those in Australia - Michael Mosley is on Insight on SBS tonight. The program is now available online on SBS On Demand.
Interesting discussion!
I think that it is worth remembering that this is based on the work being done at Newcastle University to improve the health of those suffering from diabetes. It's not really supposed to be about weight-loss............more about improving insulin resistance and blood glucose levels.
Thanks for the link! BSD has much to recommend it, but a 10-20% weight reduction in 8 weeks is extremely optimistic.

To meet those numbers, a 200 pound (91kg) person would have to lose 20-40 pounds (9-18kg). That is 2.5 to 5 pounds (1.1-2.3kg) every week! Even here, that's a very rare event.
Very interesting @Juliana.Rivers. I listened to his interview with Richard Glover on ABC Sydney. Some of the stats regarding the correlation between low fat diets and the onset of diabetes in the western world are fascinating.
Agree this is mainly about an 8 week progam to improve health but on the maintenance side in

It states
BSD Way of Life

Once you have reached your goal, lost weight and improved your blood sugars, The Low Carb Med Style eating plan is an ideal approach for maintenance. And in order to remain diabetes free it is necessary to continue on a moderately low carb Mediterranean style diet indefinitely. If weight creeps back on, if appropriate, go back up the list again until you lose weight and reach your targets.

Some will choose to continue with intermittent fasting as in the 5:2 BSD, to maintain the benefits of the intermittent fasting, perhaps dropping to a 6:1 approach with one day fasting on 800 calories and six days on the Low Carb Med Style Plan.

so a 6:1 with 800 on fast days and 6 days of low carb meds is his "long term approach" and im wondering if this is the answer for the general population.

Good interview here while he was in Oz ... tes/#page1
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