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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi all,
Just a question to see if anyone else is finding they are bloated after a fast?
I'd almost expect it once in a while after a food day or two but not after a fast...
I never felt this way at the beginning of this woe. I'm doing 4:3/ADF and its crazy I feel bloated after fast days. Just don't get it. I eat 0-200 cals. Salad protein zero noodles x veg is the content of those calories.
Anyone experience this or any ideas?
Not knowing anything of your weight I have to guess - you are in an awful hurry and I don't quite know why you're eating so little on your fast days three or four times a week. What do you eat on your feast days? Maybe your body is experiencing shock at such a sudden change in eating habits? Even going into this woe fasting twice a week with 500 calories can throw up a few teething problems as the body adjusts, so perhaps you're being a tad over enthusiastic, and a bit impatient?
Hi yes you are probably right I'm
Bring a bit OTT. I have increases to ADF due to holiday coming up with the intention of returning to 5:2 on my return and actually trying to keep 5:2 going during hol.
Think because I'm
Bloated I don't feel losing and daren't weigh myself so add in extra fast day hence the ADF.
I only weigh once week usually, on sat morning.
The lovely clensed feeling I previously got after a fast with a non bloated feeling seems to have gone. :-(
Sorry to hear you're feeling so rotten, the whole point of this woe is to feel better (and lighter!). However, Rome wasn't built in a day... I read your earlier posts and you have lost some weight, so you're headed in the right direction at least! Have faith in this woe, it really does work, but you don't have to suffer whilst it works its magic - well, maybe just a little! :smile:
When I get bloated I find that if I drink hot water with fresh lemon juice first thing in the morning it helps - but try eating up to or near to your TDEE, you will find that will help too.
And what are you eating on feed days?

I did ADF to start with and still do 4:3 but eat quite a lot otherwise. Are you getting enough food to keep your digestion going?

I had to work on this to start off with and still have porridge with chia seeds.

You can't overexpect, undereat and worry about the weight, as that will send your cortisol levels up and you won't lose as the body will feel under attack. Sorry but this isn't a way of eating to be'd be better off in full control, weighing every day but using the Libra app to chart it so you can see the fluctuations from water and natural bodily cycles.

A lower scale weight won't necessarily be a good thing if you can't sustain it or fall over from starvation.
Like it was mentioned above I would start with the zero noodles as the most likely suspect. If you try a couple of fast days without them and are not bloated you will likely have your answer.
Thank you for your replies.
Funnily enough I haven't actually had the zero noodles this week. First time I've not had them on any fast days this week.
On fast days this week I had an apple and black coffee and water fast one, fast two nothing all
Day except liquid then chicken salad for 150 cal.
I don't calorie count on food days but this week I have made a conscious effort to cut down as felt bloated but still not much different.
Will certainly try the hot water in lemon and hope this feeling passes. Hopefully this 3rd fast day will clear it. :-(
You might need to eat more, not less. I don't mean rubbish but something like a good homemade veggie soup or curry with lots of veg in it. Not many calories, lots of volume.
Amy, I don't think the way you are practically starving yourself is healthy or wise. No wonder you don't feel well. You've been given some advice but if you choose not to take it that's up to you. But please don't expect to get to grips with your problems of bloating and feeling unwell if you're just going to continue your punishing regime. And don't lay it at the foot of 5.2
You can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink...enough said!
For goodness sake, eat a hearty meal!!
No offence intended but i thought the post was about bloating... :-)
feel fine with the exception of the bloating. Don't think I said I felt unwell??
I didn't realise I was starving myself. ADF is done by many people on these boards and its not deemed as unhealthy as far as I'm aware. Cant see im doing ADF different to others...
If I'm hungry on fast days I'm happy to eat up to my allowance but as many people are experiencing, the hunger goes therefore why eat if I'm not hungry on fasts. Thought it was about listening to your body and giving it a rest....
Oh dear. Thank you for your concerns. No offence intended but was just interested to see if it was a common side effect.
I have not had any bloating since I started 5:2, but when I did South Beach some time ago, I would have really bad bloating during phase 1 which consists in removing all fruit, grains and starches for 2 weeks. As I increased the amount of fiber in my diet I felt horribly bloated some days, it was even painful. Unfortunately, I don't remember how I got rid of it, but in the US there is an over-the-counter drug called Beano that helps get rid of all the trapped gas.
Sorry you are going through this, and hopefully you start feeling better soon.
Amy333 wrote: Hi all,
I'm doing 4:3/ADF

Excuse my ignorance but what is 4:3/ADF

i think ADF is alternate day fasting but as theres 7 days in a week how can that be alternate days. ?

i do 4:3 but will always have 2 days in the weeks where its not alternate fasting . just how the numbers go.

What is your TDEE as 1/4 is norm and 200 calories would suggest 800 TDEE which woudnt be possible assuming 1/4 TDEE is approach.

I guess just some variation you have.. (sorry dont mean to open up the "variation" can of worms"
Hi Amy, Did I come over as being a bit grumpy? :grin:
You're right, you didn't say you felt unwell - I just assumed, as that's pretty how much I feel when bloated..look, we're trying to help you here, without much to go on. Haven't got a clue about your actual weight, BMI or your goal weight. Reading your earlier posts you were losing, but no idea how much, as you didn't say.
With so little to go on I am left drawing conclusions, which may be completely off target, sort of dancing in the dark.
It looks as though you're using 5.2 or 4.3 or ADF as a rapid weight loss method and it's not designed to be used like that. It is primarily a slow but sustainable loss which is designed to be for life. Of course, once you get to goal weight you have to find the best method for maintenance but that's another story.
Anyhow, back to you, if you don't think there could be a link between eating as little as you are for most days of the week and your feeling bloated then maybe you should see a doctor.
Until then, bloating is being discussed on a thread started by Zamale which might help.
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