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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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rawkaren wrote: Oh that's great news! I have been thinking about getting tested but I might wait until I have been doing this a little longer ......

Thanks, yes, I was very excited by this result ... an actual blood test reading, not just the vagaries of the dreaded scales ... and my GP was astonished!! He asked me in more detail what I was doing, so maybe he'll be recommending this WOL to others ... !!
Hi I am Aly and I am a slow loser! Doing this more for health benefits so not really bothered. Would like to get below 70kg at some point, am currently 72kg.
HI all,

I've been a slow loser too - nearly been doing this 6 months now and lost 11lb. A few weeks ago I was pretty hacked off with being at a long plateau but after a couple of weeks 'off' I seemed to just take back to it again and even though I've only gone down another pound in the last month I feel so much slimmer. My husband says he's noticed a big difference in my shape and even though I haven't been measuring I know my thighs are slimmer (several pairs of trousers that were too tight now fit perfectly).

I had in my head my wedding weight as a target - it's only 4lb lower than where I am now (on my light days!) - in the past that would have got me irritated that I was 'stuck' abve my goal weight but I know that in a way that figure is arbitrary and my body currently seems to enjoy being the size it is at the moment so why fight it? Being 4lb lighter won't make me a better person, but being happier in myself will.

Currently feel fab and can see myself doing this in one form or other for a very long time!
Hi. I started slow and then had a big drop. I weigh in on Friday and expecting a gain on account of my alcohol intake (maybe a different confession room :oops: ). Anyway I would sooner do this and manage around how I want to live than be miserable counting points/calories/fat grams. Don't care how long it takes :heart: :victory: :cool: :heart:
lovemyparrot wrote: Yes, I am a very slow loser - always have been since back in the day (in my very early twenties) I became a bit of an anorexic before anyone even knew what that was!!! We didn't have calorie counts or anything very substantial to go on - so the easiest way to "diet" was to cut out as much as possible!! No, not sensible - but I slowly lost all the weight I wanted to in about 3 years - kept it off a long time. Now getting older and its all started to creep back on again!!!

So, I will lose again slowly and I don't mind at all as long as I lose - I love 5:2 and I don't have to starve ever - nothing like the old days when four Limmits custard creams was a meal SO I would have two and think I was doing great - Anyone old enough to remember Limmits, by the way????

Great thread, by the way Silverdarling.

Oh gosh Limmits! What a mad idea that was,having biccies instead of a meal. They made me feel stuffed but they were so unsatisfactory! And remember Energen rolls! Like eating cotton wool balls! X
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