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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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My recent cold has turned into Bronchitis and my fasting has gone a bit dodgy.

The fasts themselves are fine, but as soon as I eat in the evening my carb cravings go through the roof, to the extent that I had my 400kcal meal and 2 hours later had a slice of lemon meringue pie. Doh!

I don't think its the cold per se, but a general overall increase in eating 'treats', too many treats through the week. Baking and buying cakes and puddings, where I never normally would have puddings or more than one cake a week, there seems to be a treat a day at the moment.

I've switched to 16:8 temporarily until I'm over this Bronchitis and my fasting partner is over his cold (that I gave him), then I'm cracking down on treats and back to 5:2 or even 4:3. My body has had enough time at this weight, its time to start losing again.

get well soon Julie!! hugs (((())) cyber ones lol!! xx
You have bronchitis , blimey give yourself a break, get well, then give yourself a slap , walk away from the cake and get back on it.
No good beating yourself up about the increase in treats, it happens!

Get well lovely lady and STEP AWAY FROM THE CAKE! X
My Mum had bronchitis..its a nasty illness
fantastic that you had 400 cal day ..i bet the slice of pie did you more good as a treat than not having it..sometimes, not always, a foodie treat is in order and nothing else will do
Just look after yrself Julie..dont fret about fasting,more important to get your poor chest right first
Stick 5:2 on the backburner til you feel like your old self x
Ps i am finding i just cant have goodies and treats in the house coz i find it so hard not to keep eating them..sugar is as addictive as anything..i do find since 5:2 and all the reading ive done here,i am gradually losing my sweet tooth
Get well soon, and be kind to yourself - 5:2 ain't going to go away :smile: and we're all here for hugs and support for you. Wishing you well Julie :heart:
Bronchitis is no fun. Get well soon.
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