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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Bad Day
03 Sep 2013, 07:38
Hi All

Yesterday was a really bad day for me - I fasted all day (low cal cuppa soup for lunch) then had a delicious smoked salmon salad for dinner. Thing is I felt so moody and down and I don't know if it was because of the fasting. I cried all night and just felt plain awful - has anyone else experienced this whilst fasting?

Everything else in my life is good - I am generally a happy person so this really threw me - and upset my boyfriend greatly as he thought he had done something wrong.

Had some chicken for breakfast this morning and I am feeling much better today but fasting again tomorrow so feeling a bit apprehensive.

:cry: :bugeyes: :confused:
Re: Bad Day
03 Sep 2013, 07:44
No , not me. I wonder why babooshka? Maybe hormones? Do you feel better today?We'll see what the others say but until then I'm sending you a big warm bear (((hug))). Xxx :heart: :heart: :heart:
Re: Bad Day
03 Sep 2013, 08:19
Sorry you had a bad night last night. I'm sending some hugs too ((())) I know my mood swings are purely hormonal and are related to my monthly cycle more than anything else.

It could have been a one off. I think if you look to tomorrow with a sense of dread, it might well be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Try to think positively about tomorrow. It can't hurt and might help you get through the day.

On a physical note, I would eat well today and try and stay as hydrated as possible and make sure you are drinking enough on your fast days :)
Re: Bad Day
03 Sep 2013, 08:34
I have had mood swings since I started fasting, but I usually have up days on fast days and down days on non-fast days. I hope you are feeling better.
Re: Bad Day
03 Sep 2013, 08:36
Yes I had a day like that like week but it was very definitely PMS related, I'm quite prone to feeling down at that time in my cycle. If that's the case perhaps try something else close to your bleed being due? Like 16:8. I'm sure I've read somewhere that carbs at night are better for raising serotonin Ievels which would be good if your feeling down. More hugs from me xx
Re: Bad Day
03 Sep 2013, 09:44
Hunger and feeling full all relate to hormones, and all the homrones can affect each other regardless of whether they are working on different parts of the body. So whilst dieting (especially when you first start) your body will be re-balancing and it could be for you that you are more affected by your sexual hormones than usual. Equally, your sleep may also be affected for the same reason.

If you want evidence of this, you can use your hormone balance to stop jet leg very effectively. Basically, your hunger/ food hormones are prioritised over sleep hormones. So when travelling a long distance, you should EAT at the times you would in the country you are going to, rather than 'sleep' them. There was a BBC documentary on this method a few years back and they showed it was very effective.

Personally, I have had similar effects, although I found it was mainly when I changed from spreading my 500 cals over the day, to eating them in one evening meal. Not as strong as you did, but sort of getting overly emotional at TV adverts containing cute things!
Re: Bad Day
03 Sep 2013, 12:35
thanks everyone - I do not know if it is cycle related as I take a contraceptive pill which has stopped me bleeding.

I think maybe I just didnt have enough calories yesterday (I only had 250). I always drink loads of water (on fast and feed days).

Maybe I am just tired and need to eat a bit more :sleepy:
Re: Bad Day
03 Sep 2013, 12:45
I find I am snappier by the end of a fast day and notice I don't have as much tolerance just around when it is time to have my evening meal. Once I have eaten I am more chilled out.

You will work it out as you fast more times
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