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Bean's ADF Journal!
27 Jan 2014, 08:58
Well, here it is! I actually decided to get on @Debs bandwagon and try the ADF or EOD diet for myself. A couple of weeks ago I was really struggling with overeating on feast days (the fast days I found really easy). I'd put back all the weight I'd lost just by being silly over Christmas. What I needed was to get a grip and take action. And that's when the lovely Debs came along with her review of Dr Krista Varaday's book "The Every Other Day" diet.

In short, this is the beginning of Week 2 and I have so far lost 4 lbs. Unlike Debs I'd like to think this method isn't temporary, at least not until I get to goal weight (9:7) and then, and only then, will I return to 5:2 for maintenance. I can but try and the good thing is I've returned from the Christmas carnage to my "determined" self!

In addition to the ADF technique, I am also doing daily weighing (something I really didn't like the sound of initially because of the fear of disappointment) and so far I'm finding it hilarious! Today I am 3 lbs lighter than I was bizarre!

Anyway, this is Bean signing out. Wish me luck

Bean :geek:
Re: Bean's ADF Journal!
27 Jan 2014, 09:01
Good luck!!!!
Re: Bean's ADF Journal!
27 Jan 2014, 09:05
Hello Bean, I was wondering how you'd got on. Good to see you branching out on your own!
I didn't realise your goal weight was quite a lot lower than mine. I can partner you a bit of the way, but then I'll be on maintenance and cheering you on from the sidelines (well, that's my plan!).
Enjoy your non-fast day today and I'll join you tomorrow xx
Re: Bean's ADF Journal!
27 Jan 2014, 09:15
Yes I always set my goals high...or low in this case! I realise it'll take me some time but glad you'll be beside me on some of the journey :) so, presumably you're non-fasting today as well?

Bean xx
Re: Bean's ADF Journal!
27 Jan 2014, 09:19
Yes, bean, but as I planned it as a fast day, I shall have to find something to add to the veg curry, as it currently comes in at 625 for the day - and that's after I've added an extra portion of salad (I know how to live!!)

I have the dentist this morning - can't eat before it!
Re: Bean's ADF Journal!
27 Jan 2014, 09:41
Welcome to the club Bean! And Penny of course! What a merry band of losers we are :lol:
Re: Bean's ADF Journal!
27 Jan 2014, 10:32
Hello @nursebean! I am really pleased for you that you are losing weight at such a good rate now! Good luck with ADF and well done. :heart:
Re: Bean's ADF Journal!
27 Jan 2014, 10:45
Hello bean, I so love your name so simple but versatile,
Wishing you lots of good luck :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: also the scales are well worth using daily it is rather interesting I think
Re: Bean's ADF Journal!ps
27 Jan 2014, 12:12
Thanks @Auriga @Gillymary and @Debs yes, hopefully it won't be long before that dreaded 11 disappears and I can then work on banishing the 10s. Hmm not sure how long that'll take...3 years? Never mind, it's a fun way to get there...isn't it?

@Pennyforthem good luck at the dentists!

Bean :wink:
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