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Bereavement = Comfort eating??
22 Aug 2013, 21:28
Aw guys,

Had bad news today. A mate passed away today, 35 years of age. He's been in a bad way for a long time now, but especially for the last few months. Anyway, heard he'd taken a turn for the worst this afternoon and exactly 80 minutes later, he'd passed away. Too young to die.

I hate this. I've turned to food for comfort today. Ok, wine too. I'm determined that it is just for today though.

Why do we turn to food when the going gets tough?

Janie_Bop, I can't answer your question, but just wanted to say sorry to hear that you have lost your friend. Hopefully someone else has an answer.
:heart: hugs :heart: So sorry for your loss Janie! I think food makes us feel a bit like we are getting a hug on the inside. Nothing wrong with taking a bit of comfort (with some wine ;) ) for one day. Hope you have some one with you to help ease the sadness and remember the times spent with your friend. :heart:
Hi Janie so sorry about your news, well we turn to food+drink at these times because we're only human, so put today's fast behind you and do another when you feel able. Best of luck + a hug from me :heart: Sue
:heart: So sorry to hear about someone so young having the ultimate struggle. We turn to food as it comforts us, warms us and offers a pleasure.

Take good care of you janie and sending :hugleft: :heart: :hugright:
Aw babes, that sucks big time. I'm so sorry for you having to go through this, there are really no words to say in situations like this one.

I have the answer or at least I know why it happens to me. It's not that I turn to food, I just don't have the strength to not eat or to eat an exact number of calories. If it wasn't a fast day or if you weren't on a diet, you wouldn't have noticed that you had a drink or something to eat.

When we stress about something so bloody serious and frustrating, we don't have the courage to stress over not eating. It's only natural, like "hey, stresses, one at a time please"!!!
Thanks for all your lovely messages gang. :heart:

Spent a lot of time at the gym today working off my frustrations and feeling much better today. Naturally we're all devastated here. It's funny how life goes. :confused:

I was so angry with myself last night after my mammoth pig out! Chicken, pizza, popcorn,M&Ms and the dreaded vino! But as they say, life is short. Certainly too short to worry about one slip up in 3 weeks!

Thanks again guys, you're the best.
Oh Janie_Bop, that's tough for everyone who knew and loved the guy.

One of the things I've noticed about fast days is there's a bit more time in the day, 'cos we're not doing a lot of prep or cooking of a meal.

Bereavement also means there's not much else you want to do anyway, so eating/drinking simply fills the time as does going to the gym etc. You're right, though I wouldn't call it a 'slip up', just your natural humanity coming to the fore. Calorie counting seems so superficial alongside that tragic event. :clover: :heart:

All the best to you.
Sorry to hear of your loss.
So sorry for your loss, as you say 35 is no age but I hope that your mate is now at peace. I'm the opposite, stress makes me not want to eat - I lost weight when my dad died but at times like this you need to just get through doing whatever suits you. Life will return to normal. Hugs
Sorry for your loss. I guess we turn to food, and it's the stodgy stuff we turn to because it makes us feeling safe and in some cases takes us back to mums cooking when we were young and life was good. It's soul food, it makes us feel ok, it's good for your soul. It doesn't take away the pain, but internally it comforts when we need comforting.
Don't beat yourself up about this, you don't want to feel guilty as well as grieving. That's too hard.
Take some time, grieve, remember the good times and celebrate a life known. If its with food and wine then raise a glass to your friend x
So sorry to hear your sad news x
Hi Janie_bop

Very sorry to hear about your sad news, hugs ((((())))))
That is just totally awful.

I'm SO sorry.

Whatever you've done when in shock, is what you've done in shock & pain. It's right, it's your way of coping.

Hugs xxxxxxxx
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