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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I'm not sure whether to fast today or tomorrow. I work from home and have nothing at all to do today, apart from maybe going out for a walk. Tomorrow I have lots to do - test-driving a potential new car, running errands, going to the supermarket, booking holiday flights online etc.

So, my question is - should I fast today or tomorrow? Other information: I had a few drinks last night and feel a tad rough!

All advice gratefully accepted. :confused:
For me - definitely a busy day. I don't think I could do it if I was home all day with nothing to do! Today I have a driving lesson at lunchtime which will really help.

The only thing I try to avoid on a fast day is going to the supermarket, just too torturous!
I'm often at home on a fast day and don't have any problems. But if your feeling a bit hungover maybe tomorrow would be more successful.
I work from home too and I've been fasting on Mondays and Thursdays - nicely spaced apart but allowing me a bit more free rein over the weekend period. However, I fasted yesterday instead of today as I'm out of the house from lunchtime and won't be back before 10pm as I'm involved in organising an event and there is likely to be alcohol at some point.

I think it's fine to shift your fast day when you need to. I'm looking at shifting next Monday's fast to Sunday instead because I'm out socialising in the pub on Monday. It's just a question of being practical when you're looking at your diary and planning ahead. Even if you need to skip a fast day, it shouldn't be a problem if you get back on the wagon as soon as practicable. You need to do what works for you.
I suppose I could always do today *and* tomorrow and see which is better! :grin:
I vastly prefer a busy morning to kick off my fast but I find myself kind of tired and abit 'mentally challenged' around mid afternoon when I am fasting. Having too many demands then isn't good. I have gone to dance classes in the evening of a fast and that wasn't pretty. Couldn't pay attention. A stretch class is fine because I can zone out. I have no problem with physical energy, the tiredness is mental. I don't like chatting so the answer is 'it depends' on time of day and what kind of busy it is!
I also am at home most of the time (retired) but I prefer to be busy on a fasting day, so I'll get myself stuck into some gardening or house cleaning or start a sewing project. I think the worst thing to do on a fasting day would be to be bored, or to have to be around food for long periods of time - so avoid food shopping. I'm fasting today and have done some housework and took hubby to see a doctor, did some shopping for the office and am just back home now. Distraction is the key to conquering hunger.

My hungriest time of day is mid-late afternoon and I often get on the treadmill in front of the TV at that time of the day. Not too demanding but the exercise actually takes the edge of the hunger.
All excellent advice, as always on this terrific board. I'm only one fast into the diet so am still finding my feet. I think I'll see how I go today. I've only had a cup of green tea so far! I'll let my body decide - and, God knows, there's plenty of it!
Just had a bowl of porridge! So tomorrow it is! :lol:
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