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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Good evening, all my lovely 5:2 colleagues!

I haven't been on the site in a while, due to my new hectic life getting in the way! As some of you may remember, I have recently moved towns, started a new job and a Masters. I was so excited and scared to move, but the whole thing proved far easier than I anticipated and, having for the first time ever in my life unpacked all of my belongings immediately, I was very quickly feeling very happy and smug with myself. I felt very in control and chilled. And then....

Three days after having moved into my lovely new room in a shared house the landlady slipped a note under my door asking for a 'one minute chat'. This 'chat' resulted in me being evicted with nowhere else to go and just three weeks in which to find somewhere. Her reasoning was that she thinks I am 'very sociable and likely to want to have dinner parties', and apparently that this is not 'that kind of a house'. So, there you have it, no conversation, no warning, not even a chance for a debate - just get out. (Basically I think she's found another tenant for whom she doesn't have to pay estate agent admin fees, but that's another story!)

Well, as you can imagine, I was shocked and upset and really truly pissed off. A week and a half later and I have just managed to put a holding deposit on another room just round the corner. The stress, however, of having started a completely new job, fitting in time to house hunt and go to masters meetings and see my boyfriend (who has to get up at half past four in the morning to go to work, which interrupts my sleep, also, particularly when it starts raining and I find myself driving along a dual carriage-way at half past five in the morning because he doesn't want to get wet) and see my friends and find time to watch Corrie (which is nigh on impossible as the internet here is atrocious) - well, it's all been a bit much!

My eating hasn't been terrible, but it hasn't been good either. Last week I only managed to complete one 36 hour fast, with the other fast ending up as a 24 hour no food at all one, due to being enticed by a burger and cocktails later in the day. This week has gotten off to a terrible start as I have fluey symptoms and a head cold, which today has meant lots of honey and lemon, surrounded by carbs, surrounded by the odd chocolate here and there.

I am walking half an hour to work and half an hour back, but it's not the same as walking Bella-boo! I am going to join the gym with the bf in a couple of weeks when I'm more settled, but I don't want to lose control of my eating or drinking again, as that is so often what keeps me feeling healthy and positive!

Aaaaaaaaand, rant over xx
Aah good to have a catch up on yr news
What a bummer tho re yr landlady! Dont like the sound of her tho,so am glad youre now elsewhere...hopefully this will prove to be a place you can roost rather than perch!
Good luck with new job,hope you like it,and yr studies
Hope all settles down for you...i think you still doing great re 5:2 ..if it was me i'd have just drawn a chair up to the fridge by now! X
Oh pinchypops, I am so sorry you have had to go through that MESS! What is WRONG with some people! I hope everything works out for you quickly. Take Care of your self, the fast can wait until you are better situated - and we are always here to hear a rant!

Take Care!
Aaw be gentle on you. Better off away from that landlady but hope your new place works well. Change takes a while to adjust to but we are here when you want to rant. Hope all else is settling in for you into a nice routine pinchypops
Wow that is harsh! Hang in there honeybun, all shall be well :0)
Hiya pinchypops. Looks like you have had a lucky escape. My philosophy is that everything happens for a reason, and every cloud has a silver lining. I'm glad you have a good head on your shoulders and are getting on with it as no one will do it for you. So anyway back to 5.2. What happens, happens, and you are a determined little pop, so do what you can when you can my dear. Keep us up to date and get yourself some better broadband.!
What an awful land-lady, you are better off out of there, even though it was a lot of hard work to move.
Hopefully, things will be a bit calmer now!
Get better soon...
Hi pinchpops :heart:
So good to hear from you, but sorry your news wasn't all good.
Nevermind all that it sounds like you're settled now and don't worry to much about missing a fast or two you won't give up completely because you've done so well. Good. Luck. :clover: Sue. :clover:
I agree you're better off not there with that landlady.
The beauty of fasting is that it is flexible, so start back properly when you can and no stress. :heart:
Hi pinchypops, good to see you back on here. Sorry thing didn't go exactly to plan but like carieoates said, everything for a reason. I know you'll be back in a good routine in no time. Hope everything is going well in your new life :)
Thanks, everyone! I am going to attempt a fast today, as I made soup last night and it needs eating! I'm going to let myself off this week, though, and if it happens it happens, if not, I will start again properly next Monday.

Thank you all for your support, what a lovely little forum we really do have here xx
Hi Pinchypops. Thanks for posting your update. What a ride that must have been for you. We all take something away from these experiences and I hope you are stronger as a result. Good to read you are going to give fasting a go today. Take care :clover:
How terrible pinchy no Corrie !!!!!!!

On a serious note your landlady is a disgrace treating you like that but glad you have found somewhere else:-)

Good luck with getting your eating back under control - onwards and upwards !! x
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