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Big mistake!!
27 Sep 2013, 19:26
I have avoided white bread like the plague and not had any for why did I pick up a small white baguette whilst shopping this evening and share some of it with the dog..?? My stomach now hurts!! First time bread has ever done this too me, hopefully put me off again for another 3 months!! I obviously should of given the dog more!!!
Re: Big mistake!!
27 Sep 2013, 19:31
I do that with bread too, no matter how much I tell myself that wheat is going to cause me problems, I still end up eating it when the willpower is low of the concentration has gone walkies.

Its so hard avoiding it, other people tend to assume that because you are intolerant or even coeliac that you no longer like the stuff. But I do love bread, all fresh and crunchy from the oven. If I ever dream about food its always something slapped or smeared on a freshly baked baguette, never steaks (though I do love them as well), its always a convivial table full of friends, a basket of warm bread and plates of toppings.
Re: Big mistake!!
28 Sep 2013, 21:20
Oh no! After reading this now I have to buy me a sourdough baguette! I haven't had one in ages. And of course I'll have to buy some margarine to go with it. Not on a fast day of course.
Re: Big mistake!!
29 Sep 2013, 01:09
smilemore wrote: Oh no! After reading this now I have to buy me a sourdough baguette! I haven't had one in ages. And of course I'll have to buy some margarine to go with it. Not on a fast day of course.

If you buy the baguette then skip the margarine :razz: and go for real butter! No sense in wasting good fat on crapolla fat. ;)
Re: Big mistake!!
29 Sep 2013, 01:22
I have been finding this too quite often on non fast days. At first I thought it was a portion size issue, but lately I think it has more to do with carbohydrates. It has definitely put me off bread and pasta.
Re: Big mistake!!
29 Sep 2013, 02:08
ha ha Betsy! Great answer! I need to avoid butter (dairy), so margarine it has to be. But I buy the good quality ones with natural ingredients and without transfatty acids. Not as good as butter, but divine on sourdough!
Re: Big mistake!!
29 Sep 2013, 02:52
smilemore wrote: ha ha Betsy! Great answer! I need to avoid butter (dairy), so margarine it has to be. But I buy the good quality ones with natural ingredients and without transfatty acids. Not as good as butter, but divine on sourdough!

Are you allergic to dairy or lactose intolerant? I'm lactose intolerant but for some reason small amounts of butter don't bother me but any other milk, whey, cheese will set me running for the loo in less than 20 mins. But I love milk products and for that I buy lactase enzyme tablets 9,000 lactase units (what ever that means, lol) All I know is that I can enjoy dairy products if I take one just before I eat any dairy (and if you forget ... you are SOL, it doesn't do anything retroactively!) I can get the supplements from Costco for $16.49 for 180 caplets, sooo much more reasonable than what I used to buy from the grocery store.
Re: Big mistake!!
29 Sep 2013, 04:17
Betsy, I am gluten intolerant. Dairy acts as an inflammatory in my system giving me arthritic symptoms. At first it was really hard giving up dairy, but then as time went on and I felt so much better, I won't go near it.
Re: Big mistake!!
29 Sep 2013, 04:18
Sorry, I meant dairy intolerant. Thank goodness not both.
Re: Big mistake!!
29 Sep 2013, 04:25
How about some good olive oil instead of marg? That's me drooling now, lovely bread, olive oil and balsamic vinegar
Re: Big mistake!!
29 Sep 2013, 14:37
Janeg, OMG, I never even thought of that! Duh! I even have some great extra virgion olive oil and balsamic vinegar sitting on the counter! THANK YOU!
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