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16 Nov 2014, 18:09
Sorry, nothing (but everything) to do with 5 2

Yesterday, I had a thoroughly bad day, from start to finish. I won't bore you with details, but what I might have taken in my stride on other days, reduced me to tears by bedtime (actually, well before that, too)
I used to pay a great deal of attention to my biorhythms, but I haven't really paid any attention for quite a while, being an almost older lady an' all!
My dear hub said it was tiredness and is the most supportive, wonderful person .... yes, it probably was, but it was a feeling of being unable to copy, of actually feeling grumpy/angry and being very low. And wanting to crawl away as worthless.
I'm picking up today, having felt I reached a very low point yesterday.

So, my question to all you knowledgeable folk out there (well, 2 actually)
Do you pay attention to biorhythms and, because I am now 65, how do they change, if at all.
Re: Biorhythms
16 Nov 2014, 18:52
Hi Penns..sorry to hearabout this..but it's very interesting to me. I empathise with you,as recently i've been noticing how often my mood is very low,how crabby and irritable i feel a lot of the time, and yes,angry too.
And deffo very low in selfesteem..
When it all lifts, i feel so grateful!
But am perplexed,as tho i have poor health,normally don't get down - until recently. In fact,was thinking of seeing the Doc,but reluctant in case they just offer anti depressants
So now youve got me thinking of biorhythms..i ' m gonna google,but i must say,as an older lady, i thought maybe my rhythms went same time as my oestrogen and other hormones!
All i really know is, idont like feeling this way,i want it to STOP! X
Re: Biorhythms
16 Nov 2014, 19:05
I' m just looking at this Penns..
You put yr birth date in and it plots yr bios..
Dont know if its any good and i' m too tired to do more than glance at it right now,
But hopefully it will be helpful xxxx
Re: Biorhythms
16 Nov 2014, 19:31
I remember writing a software program long ago for biorythms. The idea behind them is the their various cycle times occasionally line up at the top (a high day - WooHoo!) or the bottom (a low day - bummer) thereby implying something about the relationships that they 'measure'.

While being a fun curiosity, they aren't predictive and are very subject to confirmation bias when comparing their readings against past events. In other words its all too easy to view an event and justify in your own mind that the biorythm was accurate while ignoring the times that they weren't.


When do the winter doldrums occur in the UK? Dreary weather, cloudy all the time....etc. Maybe that's what's happening?
Re: Biorhythms
17 Nov 2014, 07:49
Hi PFT. Maybe it's the weather. I have been struggling since I have been here for the last couple of weeks with how dark it is and I have noticed that it has affected my mood. When I used to work here full time I had a S.A.D lamp on my desk and it worked wonders
Re: Biorhythms
19 Nov 2014, 18:00
Hi, @PennyForthem. I'm so sorry to hear that you had a bad day and hope that you're feeling better now. I don't know anything about biorhythms, I'm afraid, but I do know that hunger and tiredness can turn me into a grumpy and argumentative old biddy! :curse: Most of the time though I am very optimistic and cheery, so my poor husband has to just put up with the very occasional bad times! :smile:
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