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I embarked on this diet back in March and its been painfully slow in total up til beginning of July i lost 8 lb's!! But never the less it was a loss.......

alas beginning of July I had swellign of my legs and very high BPressure had lots of tests and its thought tablets the Doc put me on have caused this - so this stalled my exercising was walking 3 miles a day at a fast pace and also the fasting kind of went out the window!

Now....I have put back on 6 lb's in 3 weeks and am feeling very down and very grumpy as althoguh i wasn't fasting x 2 I was watching calories!

Today is my first new fast day and I want to try the all day fasting (always had 2 small meals and snacks before) as I've heard you get better results.

Can someone send me some coping strategies and also tell me if their losses are more consistent by doing it this way?

Hi TracE

I'm sorry to hear about your medical problems I hope they are under control now.
Not sure what you mean by an all day fast, I do what a lot of others do and save nearly all my calories for an evening meal.
There are others who do a 36 hour liquid only fast, and there is a thread in the Fasting Today heading.
I've had pretty consistant losses, but I progressed to all day fasting pretty quickly as I found that I was less hungry. I cope by keeping busy, especially at lunch, and telling myself that I can eat something if I'm really hungry, I just have to wait 20 mins first, I find that after 20 mins I'm no longer hungry.

Good luck!
Well done on getting back into it. It hasn't been very long and hopefully you will find the 6lbs will shift fairly quickly.

I have done 1 all day fast and attempted a few but was just too hungry at the evening meal.
However if you want my advice generally I would say ease yourself back into it. You want to be able to keep up with this way of eating so making it more difficult doesn't seem like a great plan.

If you have always had 2 meals before you might find it is better to first try a day with 1 meal before cutting down to nothing. Or you could try a liquid fast but with a bowl of soup included in the evening, so having a few calories but not the whole 500. Or even aim for the full day fast but don't beat yourself up if you do have something, just try again next time.

I would definitely say your first target after a break needs to be getting back into it. Good luck :)
Hi @TracE what a frustrating time you've had! :confused: I hope the meds are sorted out now.
When I fast, I only have drinks (a little milk in tea, water, fruit teas) during the day, then a meal in the evening. The thing that helps me most is being busy, (so one of my days is when I'm at a writing class for the morning) and having planned my food for the evening. If I'm hungry i have a drink- someone suggested bouillon as it can feel like soup and the salt can help some people who get headaches.
Late afternoon is my real tummy rumbling time, but I try to keep away from food and remind myself that it's not long till dinner time. This has worked well for me because I can eat the same main meal as my husband, just with him topping it up with bread or potatoes etc. suits me because he does as much cooking as me and I was getting fed up with us both doing our own.
Good luck today! :clover:
Hi All

Thanks for your replies to clarify - by all day fast i meant just one eveing meal!
Gosh don't think i can literally go all day til the next day without anything or would i want to :)

I am attempting this today and yes i have some bouuillon at work with me and lots of water lined up if i get totally ravenous i have brought an apple!

Its strange as i'm very nervous .....
I find that eating early in the day makes me hungrier than not eating, I hope you find the same.
Probably a bit late for you to act on this but I put a tiny (really tiny) bit of Tom Yum paste in my bouillon it gives it a nice hot and sour kick.
Good luck :clover:
Hello :)
Hope you're feeling much better now.
I save all my calories for an evening meal as I also found I don't feel as hungry during the day if I do that. Lots of luck with whichever type of fast you do - keep drinking (are you in UK? It's going to be so hot today!).
When I used to have one evening meal on 5:2 I used delay tactics, so if I was hungry if give myself a task to complete first and so on, I also liked the idea of a bigger meal at the end of the day and that made it easier too. Now I do 0 calorie fasts as I also find eating makes me hungrier as someone mentioned above. I also never imagined I'd be able to go without food all day, but turns out I can and it makes no difference to how I feel, but that took a long time. Good luck getting back into fasting and I'm sure you'll find once you have one all day fast under your belt it'll become easier. Good luck
Hi TracE. I can't believe those 6 lbs you've put on are fat. It sounds like water retention to me if you've had problems with legs swelling up.

I know a couple of ladies who have had swollen ankles recently due the heatwave we've been having in the UK. One of them (who is not overweight) goes to SW and the instructor was horrified that she'd put on 3.5 lbs in a week! I told her that I bet she lost it the following week and more - she lost 4.5 lbs.

I hope your fasting regime works but don't be down-hearted if it doesn't - there may be other factors at play.
I don't plan to fast all day but sometimes I just do. It tends to be on busy days with a bit of the delaying tactics that mariposa suggests. When it's hot out, I also remind myself that I'll be cooler if I don't eat and to delay until the temps have cooled off in the evening. Supposedly eating and digestion raises body temp. That's great when it's cold cuz it heats you up. In the summer not so much. I hate being hot so it's a good motivator for me. Good luck!
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