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I haven't any magic solutions, I'm hoping someone else will come up with some coping measures that don't include massive amounts of willpower.

But here are my triggers.

A high carb day or night before. eg. Last night was New Years Eve, so there was plenty of high carb food and lots of high carb drinks indulged in. Today, my body is craving carbs again. All I can do is try not to put the chocolates in my mouth, but its hard.

Feeling Cold I usually crave high carb foods when I feel cold. My solution is the logical one of a hot drink and extra clothing, especially for the feet. But I have usually eaten or drunk something high carb before I realise what my real problem is.

Feeling tired You are tired, your body needs a boost, so you grab for some high carb food. It can work, you will get an initial boost of energy, but it runs out quickly. The solution is to get some sleep, which isn't very useful when your in the middle of work etc. But what can also help is a brisk walk outside if you can slip out for 10 minutes, as well as clearing your head, getting the muscles working will trigger fat burning which will release the energy you need. There is also coffee.

Pain This one I know too well. The carbs don't help with the pain, they are just comfort foods. When you are feeling miserable your willpower is at its lowest anyway, so its easy to fall into old comfort routines. There isn't any real solution I have found.
But coping mechanisms I've found are to make sure you are taking enough pain medication, that you have taken today's dose. This mornings forgotten dose didn't help me to resist the blackberry and custard plait at all.
A second coping mechanism is to move your body if at all possible, if you can't get out and walk, try standing and doing some stretches, if sitting look up some exercises to do when sat down. Hot and/or cold compresses, TENS machines, whatever you need to control the pain.
Distraction, do something, anything to take your mind off eating. Read, watch TV, do some knitting, keep the mind busy and the chocolates at least a room away.
If comfort eating is what you want/need then think in terms of rich, thick vegetable soups rather than mugs of hot chocolate.

Boredom. I'm very guilty of this one. It's why I always seem to be doing things, I'm not a very good employee because I get bored very easily. I need to be chopping and changing between jobs constantly. If I get bored I get 'peckish' usually for high carb foods. All I can do to sort out the carb binge is to find something else to do and apply willpower.

What are your triggers and have you found a solution or coping mechanism for them.
A few from me, especially as I ate a large persimmon for breakfast today and the fructose triggered intense hunger pangs.

Carbs. Overload on protein. The largest juiciest steak you can possibly eat. If breakfast, eggs and bacon with tomatoes in huge quantities. You need to put the brakes on and save yourself from going into free fall. Go carb cold turkey.

Tiredness. Caffeine or a bath depending on your situation a the time.

Pain. Drugs, aromatherapy oils in a burner or anything else that works for you. Sorry to be flippant. Nuts or warm nut milk with cinnamon for comfort.

Boredom. My biggest downfall too. Try a new hobby (mine was gardening and exercise), or check in with us :lol: :lol:
I've just thought of another one.

For the ladies, the time in your cycle when you could eat a mountain of bread with the bear still roaming on it. No solutions, except vigilance and the knowledge that the feelings will pass. You could also look at supplementing with Evening Primrose oil or other herbal remedies for 'Time of the month' problems.
Yep Julie sadly i recognise all those triggers..only too well.
Really acute today as i am trying to get back to normality but i am looooooonging for some Quality Street ( the toffee ones ) and some crimbo cake!
So easy to get back into bad habits,so difficult to get out of them!
And @rawkaren i am actually longing for a steak..have craved red meat so much since starting 5:2 tho hadnt eaten it much for years previously! Think you're right karen, a juicy steak would cut right thru the carbo cravings right now..but alas have only got veggie sausages....

Ps no coping mechanisms really..mainly i just fret ..or come on here! X
I think thats where the peanut chomping started, a need for protein. We are having a small pork chop for dinner, with mash and loads of veg. The peppercorn sauce may bump up the protein as well.
Go for it @candicemarie. I have two a week. Not too big but enough to make me feel good :heart:
I think i' ll have to do that..will sharpen up my knife and fork and get stuck in! X
CandiceMarie wrote: I think i' ll have to do that..will sharpen up my knife and fork and get stuck in! X

Btw I was once a vegan so don't be scared.......
I agree with the triggers above, and having protein/fat to turn them off - my best is hardboiled eggs and mayo.

The other is to have no accessible carbs in. That's my major strategy for the New Year - I'll have flour, sugar etc in, so I can cook for the family, but nothing I can eat in a moment of weakness.
I just cannot bring myself to throw away good food. Even if it is a whole uncut Christmas cake, christmas puddings, chocolates, nuts, dates, the works. I haven't touched them so far, but the carb monster has got hold of me.
Agree re the steak. If there's one thing I've learnt on here, it's the value of protein ...
Still like chocolate though! :wink:
@julieathome - don't throw the food away, but you could try to give it away - for the non-perishables, there are often drop boxes in supermarkets for the less privileged. Or for more perishable stuff, consider your local community service or hospital, the staff there have a tough time and are very happy to receive these kinds of gifts
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