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01 Oct 2013, 08:59
Dear All,
Just wondered what people consider to be lowish carb eating (ie how many g of carbs a day)? The very low carb levels are easier - but does 150g count as lowish carbs, given that the recommended levels (I think) are 230g/ daily for women - or is that still considered high? I am trying to reduce carbs and especially the refined sort and was wondering what sort of level (if any) other people aim for? Fast days is easier - I can manage under 30g that day no problem, but would find life a bit grim were I to try that when eating 'normally'. Just wondered what others do.

Re: Carbs?
01 Oct 2013, 09:02
I aim for less than 75g on feed days - I think that feels doable and keeps me feeling well. Basically avoid refined carbs, but eat any veg I want
Re: Carbs?
01 Oct 2013, 09:15
Sounds good advice - thanks!
Re: Carbs?
01 Oct 2013, 09:42
I have stopped counting so I did a quick report on myfitnesspal from my old data. Looks like I was between 50g and 75g on feed days. Like Minum, I eat any veg I want and try to avoid sweet fruit, but can't resist bananas.
Re: Carbs?
01 Oct 2013, 10:01
Here is a repost of a link that Carooees originally posted to Mark's Daily Apple on the subject of Carbs ... continuum/
Re: Carbs?
01 Oct 2013, 10:01
Do what you can without compromising on the quality of your life.
Re: Carbs?
01 Oct 2013, 10:03
I have reduced my portion size of meat and fish, and upped fats. I avoid bread, grains, pasta and processed foods but I still eat lentils, chickpeas, beans etc. and loads of veg. and find that my carbs are around 100 + or - 20-50 per day. On fast days less than 50grams. Biggest culprit for excessive carbs is wine! :curse:
Re: Carbs?
01 Oct 2013, 10:20
Thanks for the link, Sian - that and this thread are both very helpful.

I'm doing a sort-of 16:8 and sort-of low carb - I'm not weighing, measuring or counting any food or drink. I've cut out the major carb foods completely - no sugar, bread, potato, pasta, rice and the like. I am eating a lot of veg (and protein), chickpeas and beans occasionally, and a grapefruit and a banana every day. I'm guessing from what others are saying here that I'm probably on something like 100-150g carbs a day? Does that sound about right?

I don't think this is sustainable in the long term for me - it does feel rather restrictive - but I have to say I've found it surprisingly easy to manage so far, including meals out in different kinds of restaurants (even Indian food! I didn't think I could manage that without rice!). And I do feel well on it. I also think I'm losing weight but it's the old story of madly fluctuating numbers so I don't know if I'm coming or going!
Re: Carbs?
01 Oct 2013, 12:15
I'm aiming for less than 15% of my calorific intake from carbohydrates (19g) on repair days and (currently) 50g of carbs on feed (less than 15%, depending upon what my TDEE is). Today is my one-hundredth day of low-carbing.

I'm not finding it overly restrictive (more of an adventure), I do exceed my carb allowance occasionally (usually by accident) and I have terrible urges (resisted) to eat *bread* every now and again. I *think* that I'm permanently in fat-burning mode (confirmed by the ketostix, but they are *not* to be relied upon).

If you want some ideas of what it can be like you could try my journal - see signature - there's some good recipes amongst the witterings... xxx FatDog.
Re: Carbs?
01 Oct 2013, 12:24
Less than 30g on 24 hour fast days, less than 80g on 17/7 days, less than 100g on WAYHAY Sundays!
I'm using gluten-free bread and biscuits when I just have to eat that sort of thing.
Re: Carbs?
01 Oct 2013, 12:27
All really interesting replies so thanks for that - I'm still eating WAY too many carbs I think. I have pretty much cut out bread and don't touch white rice/pasta etc and haven't for a long time (evil sugar and all that) but oh the cravings for sandwiches sometimes....I was sure I could smell hot buttery toast on the train yesterday (it was a fast day). I eat loads of veg, less fruit, but I do eat cereal in a morning because I struggle to go otherwise. I need to be tougher with myself I think. Eek.

What does the gluten free bread taste like, AzureBlue?
Re: Carbs?
01 Oct 2013, 12:34
Not bad at all, small slices and more filling, can be £2.50 a loaf though but seems to keep well so I make it last a week.
Biscuits are nice and crisp, lemon zest my current crunch. Kallo do a fab rice thin with dark chocolate that is my treat.
Re: Carbs?
01 Oct 2013, 13:06
What are peoples thoughts on atkins bread and stuff and this idea of net carbs? I made some atkins bread today which says only 2net carbs.

PS I eat less than 100g carbs a day and on fast days I basically would have less than 30. There is defo more success for me without carbs and I get hungrier with them (unless its croissants). I have a weird thing with croissants but I think it must be to do with the high fat content that my sugar doesn't drop - weird
Re: Carbs?
01 Oct 2013, 14:40
HI jmousey. I'm more of a fan of keeping blood sugar stable rather than low carb for the sake of it. If you go bouncing between high to low (I read your blog), its really hard to even out those highs and lows. eg a really boozy night for me would have me reaching for croissants and scones in the morning and probably a hot chocolate - and so the cycle goes on for a couple of days. Besides its really hard to train if you go too low. Have your thought about having a bash at just knocking off the refined carbs on feed days to complement what you do on fast days? That's how I started and I have adjusted gradually. I do still have the odd treat though but not OTT. Hope you don't mind me making these suggestions :heart:
Re: Carbs?
01 Oct 2013, 15:15
rawkaren wrote: HI jmousey. I'm more of a fan of keeping blood sugar stable rather than low carb for the sake of it. If you go bouncing between high to low (I read your blog), its really hard to even out those highs and lows. eg a really boozy night for me would have me reaching for croissants and scones in the morning and probably a hot chocolate - and so the cycle goes on for a couple of days. Besides its really hard to train if you go too low. Have your thought about having a bash at just knocking off the refined carbs on feed days to complement what you do on fast days? That's how I started and I have adjusted gradually. I do still have the odd treat though but not OTT. Hope you don't mind me making these suggestions :heart:

not at all rawkaren- in fact i appreciate you taking the time to bother to be honest. everyone's experience helps but also -everyone must remember not to go too extreme and each situation is different. AS you rightly point out, I have been suffering with low blood sugar symptoms but as you suggested, I cut out a lot of the refined carbs and within 3/4 days my symptoms had gone so you are defo right about it.

It was just I paid £20stg for the Atkins bread ha ha and I didn't want to waste the money. Ah well - I'm saving a fortune in general on this diet :-)
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