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Cereal Killers
28 Jun 2014, 21:22
Not sure If this has been posted already or if it needs moving, but it does make interesting reading..... ... acebookdoc
Re: Cereal Killers
29 Jun 2014, 05:07
Thanks for posting this. Incredibly interesting and justva bit scary.
Re: Cereal Killers
29 Jun 2014, 18:28
Thanks karen x
My head can take on board this message..but boy do i love my carbs..its really difficult to get my heart to accept,tho my brain can see how we don't need carbs for energy.
I stopped buying any kind of cereal a long time ago,coz i cdnt stop eating them if they were there,but they made me hungrier...i dont eat much rice,very little pasta..but the bread and cakes are harder to give up..tho ive cut down x
Re: Cereal Killers
29 Jun 2014, 20:02
Finished my box of cereal this morning and will not be buying any more! Next I need to reduce my bread intake which is harder. I will have bacon and eggs for breakfast on feed days but not sure what to have for lunch. I normally have baguette. I am concerned about drastically changing my diet as I do not want to make it more difficult. I am finding though I do not want so much cake or biscuits so maybe I can get rid of that one day too. We have special organic shops here that I must investigate.
Re: Cereal Killers
30 Jun 2014, 00:31
I just watched the documentary, very interesting especially after a huge carb fest over the weekend. Certainly fuel for thought and perhaps the info I need at the moment. Thanks @karenm for posting this.
Re: Cereal Killers
30 Jun 2014, 01:52
Scary indeed as I love carbs but have definitely cut down in favour of 'good' fats.
Re: Cereal Killers
30 Jun 2014, 06:10
I haven't seen the documentary.
Must see if I can find it online :smile:
Re: Cereal Killers
30 Jun 2014, 07:10
@karenm I meant the movie on the link you posted.
Re: Cereal Killers
01 Jul 2014, 00:16
Just watched this. I resisted for quite a while because I didn't want to go down the low carb route. Now I'm not so sure. Very interesting. I have had bacon, eggs and mushrooms on one piece of toast for breakfast with one teaspoon of sugar in my coffee : 20 grams of carbs. Now I'm off to the Low Carbers tent to find out more about it. Damn!
Re: Cereal Killers
01 Jul 2014, 07:02
I found this fascinating. Most days I eat a vegan diet, so it is a real challenge to keep the carbs down, but I try. I think perhaps I need to experiement with introducing eggs and fish. Meat is just a step too far for me.
Re: Cereal Killers
02 Jul 2014, 10:50

Blimey! Most of what I read on those links refer to his anti vaccine opinions.
I now don't know what I should be doing with regards to low carb or not!
I will stick to cutting processed down. We do make most stuff, but also buy things like cake, sauce, bread etc. I might grab our pasta maker down off the top of the cupboard and look for a lower carb recipe :smile:
Re: Cereal Killers
02 Jul 2014, 11:17
Quite simple karenm, do what feels right for you! I ignore 99% of what I read as for every argument, there is a counter argument, often spurious. The problem is, people cherry pick snippets of valid information and massage it to fit their theories and unless it has solid science behind it I'm not interested. And therein lies the problem; there is very little good evidence based science on nutrition. Thank you carorees for making me realise this.
Will paleos have to recant now archaeologists have found remains of fruit, grains and veg in their coprolites? Fossilised poo in case anyone wondered!
A simple look at most cereals on the shelf will show them to be low in basic nutrition but high sugar, salt etc., so imho, not eating these is a no brainer. Bread, spuds, rice, oats, I go for low GI and small amounts of very high quality occasionally (unless it is a chip butty, in which case it absolutely has to be pappy white bread!!!!)
I haven't found what works for me as yet, but I'm sure I'll get there eventually!!
Re: Cereal Killers
02 Jul 2014, 11:32
Yes, @Karenm, I noticed that too. And Mercola, the person being bagged out, didn't actually make that film, he nearly promoted it, so it doesn't ncessarily mean the film isn't any good. Just that his credentials aren't perhaps trustworthy. There was a show on the science program on Australian tv last year about how cholesterol didn't cause heart disease and suggesting that people should stop taking statins. My doctor said that there would be court cases about it in the future as people who had stopped taking their statins died of heart disease. I'm sure I don't know. My son's views are somewhat extreme - I would say, but he thinks my views are extreme. He's very rigid about what he will accept as scientifically correct, where as I have a broader view. I know that many folk remedies work, for example, even if scientists haven't worked out why. But that film seemed sciency enough for me. I don't imagine my son watched it. He just saw the name Mecola and knows that he is anti-vaccination and that raised the red flag with him. I will just notice my carb intake, and see what happens here with others who are going low carb. It might just be the holy grail.
Re: Cereal Killers
02 Jul 2014, 11:39
Think there's a law about chip butties being in white bread. nothing else quite tastes the same :wink:
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