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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Decisive week
05 Oct 2013, 15:43
OK, I've been doing 5:2 for 7 weeks now and some fasts have been easier than others. But since about 2 weeks ago I've had a few really bad days during fasting. I felt exhausted, no energy whatsoever, lethargic, tired, lightheaded... you got the picture. While my main reason to follow this WOL is to lose weight and get healthy, I don't think feeling like crap is the way to go for me. I want to feel better not worse, to enjoy life not just food and this is driving me crazy. I must say that feeling lightheaded is common for me and I have low blood pressure (yesterday it was 94/64 and it was a normal eating day)
Having said that, I am not quitting (yet), I want to figure out what is going on. I suspect the main reason I am feeling like that is due to dehydration, so this week I will give it another chance, try again my 2 fasts, Monday and Thursday and drink plenty of water every day.
Re: Decisive week
05 Oct 2013, 15:50
@Caroees did a good thread on the things to watch out for which will make yo feel lousy. One is getting in enough sodium as if you get the fasting rocking along you will wee heaps and am sure that would not be good for you so you might be onto it re thinking dehydration. Things settle as well the longer you fast e.g I used to get killer headaches but now don't.

All the best hope to hear things turn around for you
Re: Decisive week
05 Oct 2013, 16:35
Sorry you are feeling lousy.

Did you keep a food diary? If so, what was your carb intake like? I improved when I started cutting back on carbs and cut out sugar completely
Re: Decisive week
05 Oct 2013, 17:55
I think a food diary would be a good idea, also have a cup of bouillon early afternoon to replace the salts you may have lost and to help keep your cells balanced with increased fluid intake.
Re: Decisive week
05 Oct 2013, 18:03
I second what has already been said. I'm reading Gary Taubes 'Why We Get Fat' and have just covered the bit where you vastly reduce carbs which can cause the low blood pressure, lethargy thing you describe and this is something I suffer. Caused by lack of sodium and his solution - a cup of bouillon. So here's to happier fasting.
Re: Decisive week
05 Oct 2013, 18:25
Hi Iztla. I have just read your bliog. You have the brain and know how for this. Something is stopping you. But I can't figure out if it's food or emotions. PM me if you want to chat.
Re: Decisive week
05 Oct 2013, 18:50
Fluid intake a very good idea, but try some everyday with most on fastdays, I'm totally rubbish at this so don't practice what I preach, however on days when I up my water consumption I am all the better for it, so Good. Luck with next week. :clover: Sue. :clover:
Re: Decisive week
05 Oct 2013, 23:29
Thanks everyone, this forum is really amazing :heart:

I think the bouillon is a good idea, I will make sure I have some available on Monday, and as I said, I will also make sure to have plenty of fluids. I will also keep a food diary.

Rawkaren, I don't think this time is something emotional, it is a drain of energy very strange, I had a down day last week but in general my mood has been fine.

Wildmissus, I just read that book and I am finishing "Escape the Diet Trap", both pretty much the same, although I prefer the writing style of the last one (the author is Dr. John Briffa). Both explain how bad carbs are and let me tell you, I am definitely a carb addict. That is something I need to work on and I hope that by keeping a food diary this week, I will get some insights on where I need to start cutting them. I most say that I was reluctant about eliminating carbs but after reading those books I can see the benefits.
Re: Decisive week
08 Oct 2013, 04:00
This week is starting very well. :smile: :like: :cool:
I ran out of coffee so I went grocery shopping in the morning. Got lots of veggies and meat to cook and my coffee of course! I forgot my water bottle so my first water intake was after I came home at around noon. I then prepared some coffee and kept drinking water all day long. No lethargy or lousiness today, a perfect fasting day as I used to have in my earlier weeks of this WOL (not that I am a veteran but the difference is huge!). Then, I had a delicious salad with rotisserie chicken, about 1/3 of a peach (daughter's leftover, lol) and my little square of dark chocolate. :heart:
I will as suggested keep a food diary this week and also write down how I feel. If I can figure out what is the problem that would be great and if not, that means that this week would be a good one so that is great too!, nothing to lose! (except weight I hope) :grin:
Re: Decisive week
08 Oct 2013, 09:29
Hi Iztla, I've also read Dr Biffra's book and I get it, I really do but as a carb person I just don't seem to have the willpower to get off them! Would I rather have toast or a boiled egg? No need to answer. I know when I have low carb days I feel so much better but it is so hard but I will keep trying. I have made small changes - I no longer have white bread but make my own wholemeal bread. It's the crisps, biscuits, cakes and chocolate that are the big problems.

Sounds like you had a good day yesterday. I tried the bouillon for lunch and dinner and it seemed to do the trick - I felt good all day.
Re: Decisive week
08 Oct 2013, 09:55
Glad things are picking up for you Iz and hope they continue to do so
I feel fine on fast days,but weight/ inch loss is sluggish
Like Wildmissus,i find reducing carbs really difficult.. Love my bread and am sure this is why i am not doing that well times i am much trimmer then will bloat coz ive eaten either bread or biccies
Its all trial and error,so keep the faith! We have the longtime fasters here who are so good at helping out with advice and telling us what worked/ didnt work for them...big thanks to them all!
We will get there sooner or later and dont forget,our bodies are getting necessary repairs while we fast and we'll reap the benefits of that longterm x
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