I just stumbled across this website (dietbetter.com) where you pledge a certain amount of money and after a certain period of time, everyone who has met the stated goal gets to split the pot.
I've been fasting over the holidays but my downfall has been the feed days lately, so am trying to get back on track. A goal, a time period and a consequence are what I need now. I've started a dietbet just for intermittent fasters. We will have our own message board where we can post pictures and gripe about fasting, and the conditions are weight loss of 4% of body weight between January 13-February 9.
If anyone also needs motivation to join, here is the link: http://diet.bt/1dJls3j
If the link gets edited out because I'm breaking some rule, just PM me your email address and I'll add you to the game!
I've been fasting over the holidays but my downfall has been the feed days lately, so am trying to get back on track. A goal, a time period and a consequence are what I need now. I've started a dietbet just for intermittent fasters. We will have our own message board where we can post pictures and gripe about fasting, and the conditions are weight loss of 4% of body weight between January 13-February 9.
If anyone also needs motivation to join, here is the link: http://diet.bt/1dJls3j
If the link gets edited out because I'm breaking some rule, just PM me your email address and I'll add you to the game!