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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Prompted by a comment by Ballerina that she doesn't know if the "long term benefits exist from 5:2", thought id ask all your opinions on this. As more and more of us move to maintenance only, do we still all want to put the weigh loss benefits aside and focus in on those other health benefits, which i understand is reduction in risk of dementia, longer life span, etc.

any new studies about Intermittent fasting worthy of note here.
Like I said, I don't know what the long term benefits will be but I am happy just being slimmer, (because I'm slimmer) more full of energy (because I'm slimmer) better dressed (because I'm slimmer) sober (because I'm slimmer) so, being slimmer, for me is unbeatable, long term or not, THANK YOU DR MM AND MOOGIE FOR THIS SITE (because without all ths support I might no longer be slim) this really has changed my life,

Ballerina x :heart:
I started 5:2 in part because of the potential health benefits. Even if they aren't conclusively proven, the evidence is good enough for me to keep at IF in some form once I hit my target weight. I've got a ways to go, but I've tried out a few of the maintenance methods as part of my regular fasting to see what might work for me later on. So far I'm leaning toward 2-3 24hr fasts a week rather than the 36hr fasts I do now. So the same fasting schedule I'm on now with a regular meal with no calorie restriction to break my fast.

I'm lucky in that I didn't have any health concerns that this WoE could help correct other than being overweight. So like Ballerina my benefits come from simply being slimmer and feeling healthier because of it. My husband does have some health concerns that IF is purported to help. Once he saw my weight loss he decided to give it a try. My fingers are crossed that it helps him out. He's focused on losing weight but I try to bring up any health benefits that seem relevant for him in the hopes that he'll note any improvements and be encouraged to continue IF after he reaches his goal weight.
I only started this for the longer term health benefits, weight loss is incidental for me and for my hubby. The evidence so far is enough for me that it is at least worth a try.
I definitely believe in the health benefits of IF, I feel that simply thinking back in time about eating habits of our ancestors shows us that constant grazing & massive calorie intake & excessive consumption of processed food is NOT what our bodies need.

When I've reached my goal figure I will carry on with IF in some form, be it 6:1, 8:16 or whatever, I feel more in tune with my body than ever.
The studies that I can find seem to show improvements in health for the following types of fasts: 500/600 cals ADF, eating between 12 & 2pm, 1 meal per day - Krista Varady. 5:2 with consecutive days on 500/600 cals, then Mediterranean diet for the 5 days (Harvie & Howell). These are on humans. The other trials seem to all be ADF or Prof Longo's 4 days of real fasting, that needs to be repeated at least monthly (on rodents). There was the guy who did the ADF and improved memory on rats. No doubt there seem to health benefits where there is 12 hours between eating on ADF for rats.
I agree with Ballerina. Just the weight loss is amazing! Plus, there are so many versions of 5:2 that trying to see if there are any benefits is like looking for a needle in the hay.
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