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Thanksgiving is over i think ...

Hey, did it do much damage to what you see on the scales? assuming you have weighed yourself since.

As a self confessed foodie, would love to see pics of what you cooked up for Thanksgiving.

And is it true Thanksgiving dinner is "bigger and better" than any Christmas table in the U.S.A?
Nope. Nope. Nope. Not even gonna go there. Last time I got on the scale immediately following a holiday was the day after Easter to find myself up 9lbs of salty ham, Cadbury eggs and fluff and junk. It was discouraging enough that I am not even getting on the scale until after a couple of good fast days next week. I know how high I can bounce and I know enough to know that I don't even want to know! KWIM? :wink:
I haven't fasted since last Monday (25th), enjoyed myself on Thursday for Thanksgiving but honestly couldn't eat as much as in the past. I did have more carbs than normal with a pancake for breakfast and Turkey and all the fixin's for dinner followed by three very slender slices of pie (I just had to taste them even if I didn't have any room for them in my tummy!).

Monday .....162 lbs
Tuesday ....162 lbs
Wednesday...161.5 lbs
Thursday....161 lbs
Friday .....163 lbs
Saturday....162 lbs
Sunday .....162 lbs

I'm back where I was and hopefully tomorrows fast will start me back down again. :)
I don't have any pics from our daughters' Thanksgiving table, but it was indeed bountiful and delicious. Back home yesterday after 4 days away and my weight this morning was the same as last Tuesday after fasting on Monday! I was surprised but very pleased. :cool: OH didn't gain either :shock:

Unfortunately, the granddaughter looks like she's gained 15 pounds in the three months of her first year at college! No one mentioned it, however; but I hope her parents are saying something in private. She can't seem to leave the dessert table alone.

I've never heard much about comparisons between Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas dinner--some people do turkey both days, some prefer ham or roast beef for Christmas. I like Thanksgiving because of its "harvest festival" nature. Everyone can participate regardless of religion or lack thereof--it's a real family time for everyone. :-D
It's easily the best meal of the year, but I didn't get any pictures. Sorry! And not being a masochist, there's no way I'm getting on a scale the day after Thanksgiving! LOL
Well, it looks like all the American frequent posters are getting their two cents in here!

I'm not a masochist either - great line, @Tracieknits! You'll find out how TG treated my body on Friday, after my regular weigh in.

We only got a pic of the pies, on SIL's phone (because she and my daughter made them and she was quite proud). I'll ask her to send it to me, and post it for you, Juliana. They were amazing. Sorry I can't send you a slice.

As for Christmas, we've definitely treated it as a second-class holiday, food wise, always. I wasn't brought up with Christmas traditions. In the past I've made everything from a big pot of chili and some bread and salad to a turkey and fixings. It's more about everyone being together and relaxing with presents and perhaps a walk.

This year... well this year will be special indeed. There will be 9 of us, including two of the kids' SOs. I'm so psyched. It might be a good year for a complete turkey dinner. And I'll have transitioned to 6:1. Inshallah.
I grew up in a household with WASP and Swedish traditions. I don't want to insult any ethnicities or backgrounds, but my family's traditional Christmas food is awful. I'm not sure if it's my family's bad cooking, or if there's no way to make some of these tasty: Fish pudding (cream, butter, white rice, sugar, eggs and WHITE FISH), pickled herring, "rotfisk" (rotted fish), hard tack(bread that has the consistency of roofing tiles), korv (a sausage that taught me to distrust sausage), and then a few better items - swedish meatballs, ham, macaroni and cheese, baked beans, vort limpa (a very nice holiday rye with orange) and jello salad was our usual Christmas dinner. Very heavy!!
I hopped on the scale today! Weight has stayed the same, so I'm happy. I fasted Monday the 25th. I was going to try to switch my Thursday fast to Wednesday, but then I had lunch plans so I didn't quite get under 500 cals, though not a crazy feast day either. Thursday was a huge thanksgiving meal, followed by lots of food and friends all weekend really. I'm happy to be at the same weight today!
I have loads of friends on Facebook who post recipes for really decadent, overly sweet deserts, and overly fatty and processed casseroles and things like that. Basically the sort of food that made America obese. Then I have a couple of Japanese American friends who post the loveliest, healthiest recipes and ideas like this: Image
Wow! MaryAnn, that is so creative! I just throw the veg on a tray with some dip, I'll have to try this design next year. Very impressive!
I'm not going near the scales until the end of my 3rd fast day :doh: .... last week was much with the eating and the drinking... and the being merry too! I fasted Monday and did really well though. So I feel like this is just life, some weeks are just not going to work for fasting, and that's OK! It's not a race for me. I just want to keep losing weight. This morning I visualized the next 20 lbs and me... I'm just so excited for the next 20 pounds! So I'm still fighting.

Sadly no photos were taken of our feasts (there were many), and desserts! Don't even get me started.. there was cake, homemade ice cream, pie, and a very yummy strudel type thing with apples... oh now, I shouldn't have started!

I did measure myself, and it looks like I put on three inches in one week.... :cry: :cry: :cry:

Well, back to regular fasts I suppose for now. We will see what the end of the month has in store for me...
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