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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi there,
just curious as to how how people find the intake of calories effects the setting off of hunger pangs. I've always kept my calories very low on fasting days as I felt the 500 calorie meal thing hard to control, it also triggered snacking and picking at food so for a while now I've kept my fast to a coffee/water only fast, maybe a latte later in the day to warm my bones but that's it. I've always had an issue with hunger pangs intermittantly throughout the day but drank water to get through it. I normally begin my fasting day with a large mug of coffee and a drop of milk just to colour it, however recently I ran out of milk and had to go with black coffee in the morning - something miraculous happened, no hunger pangs! Not one, I couldn't believe it, on their own hunger pains don't bother me too much but coupled with intense cold, it can cause a measure of discomfort during my working day, to be able to get rid of one of these side effects has been great, I don't get that vague dread that used to descend upon me the night before a fast. After my latte I'm guaranteed to feel some hunger pangs about an hour later but it's fine when I'm at home and can make endless cups of tea to soothe my belly, plus the latte is optional. I can't believe such a tiny drop of milk in the morning would have such an effect during my day. I'm just curious about other peoples experiences, what does it mean with regards to insulin sensitivity?
Kiki :grin:
Hi. The sugar in the milk can sometimes get the hunger monster going. That's why many here stick to black coffee or with cream, butter or coconut oil
Fluids definitely make fasting more doable for me and the coffee with cream butter and coconut oil butter just kills the hunger pangs ...I think they drown in the oil slick ha ha :grin:
I'm a black filtered coffee person, with miso soup mid morning. Can't abide the addition of milk/cream/coconut oil/sugar in my lovely coffee!
:heart: Luckily for me as I've still got a long way to go I always take my tea + coffee black and my 3 fasts of evening meal only but if I do take a snack of any description I become really hungry and my f/day ruined, so knowing what works for you is important then build your fastday accordingly, so that's the rumbles sorted for you quite what you do about the cold I've no idea but for the first time in 9 months I now know exactly what you're all on about
blimey its sometimes painful. :heart:
@Kiki77, I too usually have a drop of milk in my coffee. I'm curious, was your milk non-fat, semi or full fat milk? I ask because I'm still trying to re-introduce full fat dairy in my life and recently switched from non-fat milk and have noticed a decrease in my hunger pangs.
I find that no fast day is the same.
Sometimes I just sail through, others I'm ravenous. Just had a tea, a black coffee and a bouillon so far today. Oh and a litre of no added sugar squash. Occasionally I have a mug of homemade veg based soup.
Come to think of it either my tummy doesn't rumble any more or I don't notice it.
I cannot drink black coffee without it upsetting my stomach I am not sure why so I just avoid having my usual one cup on fast days and stick with lovely water. I had a half a chicken oxo just now as I was cold. Am planning Quorn Spag Bol for tea. Tummy has rumbled today but ignored it as I have lost 7lb in the two weeks of doing this and don't want to ruin my good work.
carieoates wrote: I find that no fast day is the same.
Sometimes I just sail through, others I'm ravenous.

FWIW, keeping a food log is an easy way to discover the cause of those ravenous days.
Betsysgr8, I drank full fat-but just a drop. I might also add that I never had this lucidity and sharpness that others reported, along with the hunger pangs my brain would be just addled and being a teacher, it really isn't a good thing when words stop coming easily but with the disappearance of the hunger pangs the foggy brain seems to have cleared up also.

Brand-ie, I wouldn't have normally bothered with the coffee sans milk, but I just need a mug to wake up or else I could end up with a caffeine withdrawal headache. It also used to delay hunger pangs until later in the day but it probably was the milk in the coffee that was stimulating my insulin production to begin with.

Thanks for all the replies!
Kiki :heart:
Hi Kiki77, I fasted successfully in the past. I have tried to start again without any luck I'm afraid. But I believe in it and different things work for different people. Be open to trying new things. For me the trick to coconut oil in coffee is to brew a cup of hot coffee and put in blender with tbls of coconut oil and whizz it. Comes out homogenous and milky (sans milk)! Although its high in calories it is a good fat and will hold you over until dinner. Definately worth the calorie expenditure Mint tea is very soothing to the digestive system. It quiets the grumbles and acidy feeling. Hope this helps!
One thing that works for me is Fiber Gummies... 10 cals for 2 pieces but they definitely take the edge off.
Hi @kiki, I find plain black coffee in the morning works best every day. I never got used to putting milk or anything in it. My experience is similar to many, if I just don't eat until dinner, my hunger is much easier to wait through. Good luck, as @carrieoates mentioned, each fast day can be different! ;)
I'm another who likes hot drinks to keep hunger at bay. I tend to go for anything that requires no milk. So Lady/Earl Grey, Jasmine, Green Tea etc.

I also drink cold water in between the cups of tea. I have a water filter jug in my fridge as I don't like it straight from the tap.

Hubby finds he likes to have calorie free carbonated drinks. But some don't react well to the sugar replacements in those.
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