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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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FAMILY and Fasting
10 Nov 2013, 20:47
1st: Husband. I think he's going to join me in the fasting. It may take some time to convince him (after Christmas) because he LOVES to eat, bake, cook...especially this time of year (comfort foods) But if I can convince him to do it on feast days, I may be able to get him in on it sooner. I am dieting on those days though-mostly calorie counting consciousness.

2nd: Kids (mostly teenage daughter). I'm on her case all the time to "Eat breakfast!"

So my questions are:
1- How did you get/when did your spouse to join in with you and how do your fasting days go? Any good tips/fair warnings much appreciated.

2- How do I not sound like a martyr to my children when I'm not eating? What do you do? How do you explain what you're doing to your kids?...or do you? I have a teenage daughter and two preteen sons.

3- As a side note, I'm not telling people until I've had some success. What is your experience with this? Hoping to have some success for Christmas parties!
Re: FAMILY and Fasting
10 Nov 2013, 20:57
Hi and welcome:

Here are some tips that might help: 5-2-diet-chat-f6/topic6317.html

And here are some things you might see happen along the way: 5-2-diet-chat-f6/topic6491.html

Good Luck!
Re: FAMILY and Fasting
10 Nov 2013, 21:03
My spouse hasn't joined in, but that's his call. Up to him if and when he wants to. I don't calorie count or think about dieting at all on non fast days, so it only effects me 2 days a week.

On fast days, I just don't eat. I have two boys early teens, they have just accepted it. They each cook dinner once a week, so it'll often be on my fasting days. Sometimes one of them will offer me something then say "oh sorry, didn't realise you were fasting", or even sometimes have a giggle/light tease as they tuck into something, but it's just not a big deal at all.

I didn't volunteer the info that I fasted at first, just because it wasn't really something I felt I needed to announce, especially when I didnt' know myself yet if it worked. But now I've lost 10kg and people are really noticing, I happily tell anyone who asks. It definitely makes it easier.
Re: FAMILY and Fasting
10 Nov 2013, 21:59
My hubby doesn't intentionally join in but he has a poor appetite so quite often he has a fast with us. My eldest son is on the fast with me, with similar amounts of weight to lose. The 16 year old sometimes joins in, sometimes doesn't. But when he does join in I make sure he has extra food on his plate, usually some form of carbohydrate to give him a boost.
As for eating breakfast, its no big deal, many of us 5:2ers find that after a while we don't need breakfast anymore. You may feel that your daughter needs the breakfast to keep her energy up for school, but a healthy snack at break time may feel better to her. Both my husband and youngest son literally CAN'T eat breakfast, it makes them feel ill to do so.

The first thing my hubby says in the morning is usually 'fast day?' as he heads for the kettle so he knows to use skimmed milk. Its part of our life now, no big deal, its something Mum and big brother do and that younger son know's he shouldn't do frequently or it may stunt his growth.
Re: FAMILY and Fasting
10 Nov 2013, 22:09
My husband fasts with me. My children are young adults and most of the time my son will cook something for him and his sister.
Just dont make a big deal of it. If you save your calories for dinner then you should be able to cook something everyone can eat, maybe adding extra for the children. My kids just accept that we are doing this for our health or else they probably think that we are turning into batty old people!!!
I didnt tell anyone else at first, now a lot of people know. Some think we are nuts, who cares, I know it works for me.
Good luck.
Re: FAMILY and Fasting
10 Nov 2013, 22:31
On point 3: The first two people I told after months of under the radar (except to my family) fasting were both really negative, having worked with 5:2ers who they felt performed poorly on fasting days. So after that I shut up, and when a friend finally noticed I was slimmer, I told her, and guess what, she's doing it now!
I wasn't prepared for the negativity, as 5:2 seemed like such a good idea after I'd seen Dr M. And it is!
Re: FAMILY and Fasting
10 Nov 2013, 23:20
:heart: :heart: Hi sweetenough and Welcome :heart: :heart:
My hubby isnt on this WOL infact he doesn't know I'm actually fasting only my sister knows exactly what I'm doing and now 6 months later she has joined me because she can obviously see what a difference my 3stone loss is having on me and my health as for my OH when he asked what I was doing I told him what he wanted to hear that I was counting calories which I sort of am 3 days per week, and i know he wouldn't be as understanding if i used the "F" word, some of my friends have noticed but no one has asked how, so I'm still a little "undercover"
I have told a few people but they were not my regular cluster of friends :heart: as for breakfast I always had this but knew this was a big meal calorie wise and NO I don't miss not having it in fact the day after my fasts I skip my breakfast coz i'm not hungry making that a 16:8 day and believe this has helped with my fantastic weightloss, love doing this wol and for the first time in my life I now know I will make it to my goal because its so flexible and sustainable for the long term
which is just as well coz I've a very long way to go :clover: Sue
Re: FAMILY and Fasting
11 Nov 2013, 03:04
My partner and I do it together. He has more to loose than I do so our daughter (pre-teen) knows that I partly do it to support him. We have had some good talks about healthy eating, fruit juices, sugar and white bread. She either gets leftovers (because she is not keen on the soups that I have been making) or I add some protein and/or carbs to the meals that we cook.

At work everyone knows and they are supportive of my choice. Much easier that way. Couple of colleagues have joined me so we support each other and swap recipes.
Re: FAMILY and Fasting
11 Nov 2013, 10:03
My hubby doesn't fast as such although on my fast days he 'fasts' which involves two huge plates of omelette with mushroom and onion or a whole curried cauliflower and no carbs!!!!
He doesn't like me not eating anything on a fast day but is coming round to it as I just ignore him! I do find it easier not to trigger my food response on a fast day. He is currently watching 'Eat, fast, live longer' as he hasn't seen it before.
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