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Fast Day Failure!!
04 Sep 2013, 20:26
So, for the first time in the seven weeks that I have been doing the 5/2 WoL I have totally, miraculously FAILED MY FAST today.

It was all going so well - had a lovely dinner party last night which involved a few too many glasses of pinot grigio, some fantastic sticky coconut rice with spicy mango satay chicken, blinis and chocolate & peanut butter squares! I don't tend to be so naughty on my usual feast days, but last night was a special occasion - so today I was more than prepared for my fast.

I woke up feeling very full from all of the rich food yesterday, ate 130 calories worth of pineapple, natural yoghurt and desiccated coconut, held out til 2 when I had 200 calories of salad and chicken, with a smidge of feta, followed by some black coffee. So fast, so good...I took the dog for a walk (wore ankle weights for the first time which made my country walk rather more strenuous than usual) and readied myself to go round to my cousin's for her 21st birthday drinks.

In my mind I would pop over for ten minutes (still in my dog walking gear, which is not flattering), give her her gift and leave. Two hours later I was chatting to her boyfriend's parents with a glass of merlot in one hand and a piece of birthday cake in the other. I reckon I probably added at least 800 or so calories to my intake purely through nibbles and prosecco glugging!

I also had a slight altercation with her sister, who, after I said I was meant to be fasting, looked at me in a concerned manner and started saying things like 'starvation mode' at me, which quite frankly made me want to poke her in the eye with a birthday candle!

I was planning on attempting three fasts this week (my first being on Monday), due to a four pound gain after a shiraz swilling weekend in London , but clearly I'm just going to have to stick with my usual two and make sure I'm good tomorrow!

I am a bit disappointed, but when you're a student and there's free food on offer how can you be expected to resist?!

Oh well, onwards and downwards (fingers crossed!!)

Pinchypops xx
Re: Fast Day Failure!!
04 Sep 2013, 20:30
Never mind Pinchypops, as long as you enjoyed it! :grin:

As you say, there's always another day. :)
Re: Fast Day Failure!!
04 Sep 2013, 20:33
Hi Pinchypops there's no such thing as the fdf because as you said you can do tomorrow so enjoy the b/day cake + wine of all colours you had done brilliant up to then so probably a kind of semifast :heart:
But as you said be very careful tomorrow and if I wars you the rest of the week, Well done on your achievements so far :clover: Sue
Re: Fast Day Failure!!
04 Sep 2013, 20:39
There are no failed fasts, just changes of plan! One day out of a lifetime doesn't matter, it'll all balance out in the end :)

Now I want cake too! It's not a fast day but it's too late too eat and I have no cake here anyway >.<;;
Re: Fast Day Failure!!
04 Sep 2013, 20:40
Just for you Moogie - a virtual cake!! :cake:
Re: Fast Day Failure!!
04 Sep 2013, 20:43
I failed too today pinchypops,if its any consolation
Was just too hungry and gave up about 2 pm...have done about six,seven "repair" days ( i got that name from Tracieknits and i like it better than fast day!)
lets focus on what we have already achieved,and those successful days still to come!
You've completed seven weeks! That is a brilliant achievement!
Like Jemima said, you enjoyed yrself today - and wrote about it made me smile about the birthday candle :grin:
In my experience,the folk who try to undermine our efforts are just saboteurs who dont like to see others change for the better!

I too will be back repairing come the morning...Tomorrow is another day as Scarlett O' Hara said! X
Re: Fast Day Failure!!
05 Sep 2013, 08:50
Liquid fasting today until 7 pm when I'll have a baked sweet potato with left over spicy mango satay chicken! Never liquid fasted before, so wish me luck! xx
Re: Fast Day Failure!!
05 Sep 2013, 09:01
Good luck pinchypops! You may find it easier than having several smaller meals, I know a lot of us here stick to liquids until our fasting dinner :)
Re: Fast Day Failure!!
05 Sep 2013, 09:06
Ahh, never mind, sounds like a lovely day, and the walk did you good, start again soon, I'm always chopping and changing my days for the same reason, we have to be kind to ourselves sometimes x
Re: Fast Day Failure!!
05 Sep 2013, 09:22
I failed too - didnt eat all day & had lean grilled lamb n steamed veggies for dinner. 610 cals - then i caved and had a home made choc brownie. :-(
Re: Fast Day Failure!!
05 Sep 2013, 09:31
Tomorrow is another day. Forget what happened yesterday and start the new day with a clean slate. I have "failed" a few times myself but am always able to get back on track the next day. We are only human. :smile:
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