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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I' m new, staretd about a month ago, lost 2,700 kgs - but gained it back plus one extra kg :cry:
My problem is that I'm doing fine on fast days. I eat 400 cal, (my tdee is 1600 cal)
But on non fast days, I eat too much....
Today I 'm starting fresh , and do hope to be no to over eat on n/f days...
Thank you all for this really really wonderful forum and to you wise ,friendly, willing to help people :heart:
Happy Holidays to you alk, Merry Xmass and A Happy New Year :heart:
It's often a good idea for the first couple of weeks or so to keep a food diary and a record of your calories on non fast days. This helps you get a handle on what - and how much - you are eating. There are a few apps you can use for this - 'My Fitness Pal' and 'Lose It' being 2 which are very easy to use.

It's so easy to overeat if we don't pay attention to portion sizes. It's not so much about what we eat on n/f days as how much we eat.

Hope that helps. Good luck.
Thank you sylvestra
I 'll keep food diary (starting tomorrow morning...).I will look up for the apps you suggested.
Thank you very much again -:)
I totally missed this. I'm so sorry @annahmetuka for not welcoming you earlier. Hopefully by now your appetite has moderated. It's even better if you give up sugar as the cravings and hunger are not so bad. How are you getting on?

Good luck :clover: :clover: :clover:
Hi Annah and welcome to the forums

Well done for coming back to 5.2, you'll get support all the way on here, good luck!
Hi and welcome:

My guess is that some of both your loss and regain was simple water weight. My advice is to make sure you eat 500 calories or less on your two fast days each week, and see where you are in a month.

Here are some tips that might help: post68626.html#p68626

Good Luck!
Hi simcoeluv
Thanks for your reply and tips . Enjoyed reading it.

I quote from it: .....WARNING 4: The people on this site are nice, knowledgeable, helpful and willing to share for the benefit of all......
I absulutely agree .
Million thanks :-)
Hi Anna,

Some folk need a gentler lead in to full5:2 like perhaps starting with 1200 calories and reducing you intake by 100 per fast day. I know you say that you have no problem on your fast days but clearly you are not able to sustain any form of control on your feed days so it may be worth considering not such a big day to day change, more a gradual thing. Who knows, we are all different and this requires a lot of experimenting to find your own formula, good luck, you will get there.

Ballerina x :heart:
Thank you Ballerina
You may be right , but I will try again,hopping to suceed this time on keeping it up to my tdee on non fast days. If I'll fail -(hope it won'happen :-) ) I'll take your advice .
Thank you again, Happy Holidays :-)
Thank you all for your replies.
I was really disappointed of myself and a bit ashames for not being able to keep to my tdee on non fast days, but somehow just writting to the forum and receiving advices and support - really helped me.
I need to loose about 8-10 kgs , as I suffer from Sever arthrythis on my knee.
I'll start fresh tomorrow.
Appreciate you people here . This is really an excellent forum. Really.
Happy holidays to you all :clover: :heart:
Hiya and welcome to the forum. Don't be ashamed, we've been there at some stage. Maybe start a fresh after Xmas. Keep it simple and the results will follow. Good luck
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