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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Fasting Fail!!!
30 Dec 2013, 17:07
Well it had to happen after all these months. Intended to fast today but by mid-morning I felt REALLY hungry... and not a distractable hunger. Tried a glass of water, tried a cup of green tea, I was working (housekeeper) so I was plenty busy enough to keep me preoccupied but all I could think about was food. I started to feel quite ill so when I finished work at lunchtime, I caved and had a bowl of porridge.... first time EVER that I've failed on a fast day so I'm disappointed but also philosophical - I tend to listen to my body a bit more these days so I'm sure it was screaming for food for a reason. I felt SO much better after I'd eaten (and not just "full"!!!) but I did develop a headache afterwards, which is a rarity for me and even after taking a couple of pills it took a couple of hours to go so I wonder if my body has been fighting some kind of bug and needed the calories to help.....

So it turned out to be a 16:8 and I'll do the same again tomorrow and fast later in the week......
Re: Fasting Fail!!!
30 Dec 2013, 17:12
No such thing as failure! :victory: There is always another day. Put it down to this time of year. I have only managed one decent fast since Christmas so I'm just content with one meal a day right now until I can get back to my usual routine.

Tomorrow is another day.
Re: Fasting Fail!!!
30 Dec 2013, 17:17
Not a failure. Its a lesson. You may have needed caffeine or salt to help the headache go away too.
Re: Fasting Fail!!!
30 Dec 2013, 17:19
@Domane, you did the right thing listening to your body, some days you just have to accept that you need to eat more, especially if you feel below par and I'm sure you will manage a 'proper' fast when you are in a better place mentally. Not a failure at all as you learned something about yourself! :like: :like:
Re: Fasting Fail!!!
30 Dec 2013, 17:24
:heart: :heart: No such thing as a failed fast just a postponed one or as in your case a compromise. :heart:
so Domaine get back on your beautiful horse and do as you said another compromise another day :heart: :heart:
Re: Fasting Fail!!!
30 Dec 2013, 17:25
Listening to your body is a very good thing Domane and as Karen said, there's no such thing as failure. At this time of year it's quite hard to fast too when everyone around you is eating or it's cold outside or it's raining or you feel a bit down in the dumps etc.
I read somewhere recently that your body knows what it needs, given half a chance. Hurrah for listening.
Re: Fasting Fail!!!
30 Dec 2013, 17:41
With a loss of 21.3kg, I believe that you know what you're doing Domane. So listen to your body it's telling you something I do believe. Best of luck for your next fast day.
Re: Fasting Fail!!!
30 Dec 2013, 17:55
Definitely not a fail - think of it as a repair day deferral :)

I had this a few weeks back and the feeling of "I must eat" was overwhelming, to the point of making me feel physically ill! I didn't work out what caused it, but was completely restored after food (cheese and nuts, if I recollect). I wonder if it's a salt thing, or maybe some other essential (potassium, magnesium? or vitamin) that we've unknowingly run low on?

Still - when the hunger gets like that, methinks the *only* sensible thing to do is EAT!

xxx FatDog
Re: Fasting Fail!!!
30 Dec 2013, 18:32
Well aren't you all just lovely :heart: I managed to fast last Friday without a care in the world which is why I wasn't too panicked today. I'm sure that once NY is over and Dom's birthday on Friday, that next week "normal service will be resumed" and I'll be back on track without having to really think about it.

Thanks guys :like:
Re: Fasting Fail!!!
30 Dec 2013, 18:57
Just repeating good advice already sent..if you are hungry, eat something. Simple as that.

Everyone doesn't necessarily do well waiting to have all 500 cal at the end of the day.
I started this WOE in Aug 2013 and until just this week, I was never able to go all day without eating something. Sometimes the hunger just won't quit and to be able to concentrate on the rest of your life, you have to eat..not much, just something..preferably protein like cheese or egg or large volume, low carb veggies etc.
I have lost about 18 pounds and managed to not gain over Christmas. Listen to your body and remember, 1) 5:2 is not "one size fits all" and 2) the support in this forum is phenomenal
Good luck and keep going :heart: :heart: :like:
Re: Fasting Fail!!!
30 Dec 2013, 19:11
By fail do you mean to didn't go until your evening meal without eating? A bowl of porridge is good for you anyway. It's not like you had a Mars bar or something like that! No I don't see you as failing today either! :grin:
Re: Fasting Fail!!!
30 Dec 2013, 19:16
Me too! I had never quit a fast before, but over this holiday break I just haven't been able to stick with anything! I'm sure you and I will be back in action for 2014!
Re: Fasting Fail!!!
30 Dec 2013, 19:22
'FAIL' is the 5:2 equivalent of an obscene 4 lettered word, and we don't use the 'F' word on here. :shock: :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Fasting Fail!!!
30 Dec 2013, 19:24
Hi Domane ..hey youre the girl looking so young and trim on that gorgeous horse the other day!
Your so called fail...( wash yr mouth out using the F word!) others have said,its merely a deferral or postponement
Nothing more or less so dont beat yourself up
In the big scheme of things it doesnt matter ...keep going,we are all with you on this journey!
So pony up! New chapter starting on first Jan! :wink:
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