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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hallo fasting folk, a wet day here in which to fast until dinner.
Fresh brewed coffee to hand, I’ve even ordered a cafetière cosy to keep it warm, an Easter present to myself.
Keep warm and dry and healthy and strong.
:like: :heart: :smile:
Hi, Azureblue. I have been fasting today and have made it through to 10pm having eaten my first food of the day at 7pm. I hope that your day was equally successful. I half expected nursebean to be fasting today but perhaps she is and just hasn’t popped in to see us.
An hour to go before bedtime so I just have to stay strong and not eat any more food!
Enjoy the rest of the Easter weekend!
*waves* hi honey, I did well until 4.30 when the day got the better of me and I fell on a marmite sandwich. After that there was dinner, and nuts, and, er, crisps. I think the bad weather broke me.
Very well done to you, you did marvellously and deserve oodles of chocolate eggs in reward today.

Happy Easter Sunday and Happy April and it’s Fools.
Have a Happy day.
Sorry I missed you yesterday - I was enjoying Easter Sunday 0n Saturday - just so I could fast today!!

Well done though, sounds as though you had a great day SR @StowgateResident but Easter got the better of you @Azureblue :wink:

Bean :heart:
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