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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Question for experienced/knowledgable people here - is it OK to fast whilst feeling "under the weather"? It is my fast day today and I think I am developing a (hopefully mild) summer head cold. I have a mild sore throat and a little bit of a higher temperature this morning after feeling tired and washed out yesterday but otherwise I am not too bad. I am however hungrier than usual at this time of day. I don't eat breakfast anymore and don't often feel hungry until later in the morning now. I would like to ignore it and continue my fast but wondered if others have soldiered on with fasting when poorly and if they found they coped OK?
Hi, it seems unfair to get a cold in summer doesn't it!
I can only tell you what I would do in your situation, others might have a different view. I would listen to your body and eat today, even if it means you don't have another day where you can catch up this week, (but try to avoid eating lots of comfort food!).
Hope you manage to throw it off quickly.
I am neither experienced or knowledgeable but I have fasted whilst poorly before and it was all ok for me! I wonder whether your body has more energy to fight whatever is making you poorly if it is not using energy to digest. I am not scientifically minded though so might have just made that up! X
It's probably an old wives tale but they do say "feed a cold, starve a fever" :) I think you have to listen to your body. If you are feeling hungry and unwell then I would eat. I've only had one day since starting 5:2 when I felt unwell on a fast day. I ditched the fast so that week became a 6:1. Hasn't made any difference to my overall progress though so I would say be kind to yourself.
Thanks everyone. My hunger from this morning subsided so I have stuck with my planned fast. I do have a raised temperature and my throat still feels sore but I am drinking lots of water. I was really ready for and enjoyed my small lunch of egg and salad. I will eat my next meal fairly early and then will play it by ear - it is only a mild summer cold and currently I don't feel too horrendous. I found these two links online which mentions the "Feed a cold, Starve a Fever" tale and found them very interesting ... ever-13661 and ... fever.html which says that "The best thing to do when you have a fever or a cold is to drink plenty of fluids as the amount you need increases due to sweating or mucus production. If you aren’t hungry, then you shouldn’t worry about eating".
As with others Anne, I'm neither experienced nor knowledgeable (and don't take too much notice of articles either). Basically, we listen to our bodies, as generally speaking I don't fancy too much when I'm under the weather or just not feeling right. You'll learn what's best for you as time goes on. All the best. :like:
I agree with the follow your instincts some times when I have a cold / flu thingy if I am craving I follow the lead of those cravings. I find a broth with a combo of veggies you can find in the crisper bubbling away is good to soothe and hot lemon and honey. Both warm up your throat.
I agree with the following your body thoughts - and it sounds like that's what you did! I have a friend who swears by switching to only liquids when she has a cold starting (juice and/or soup), especially bone broths and chicken stocks, and that has the advantage of very nutritious but very easily digestible food.
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