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Fasting when you have a cold
21 Oct 2013, 10:23
I'm not sure if it's an old wives tale, but I've been brought up with the saying 'Feed a cold, starve a fever'. Indicating that you can recover quicker from a cold if you eat well whilst you have one.

As I have a cold, and it's a fast day for me, just wondered what people think.
So far I'm not very hungry, and haven't eaten anything. I can't taste anything anyway, so not missing much! I don't want to delay returning to health though :confused:

I seem to have caught every cold this year. I've fasted with each one, not sure if it made any difference. Just do what you feel is best for you.
Hi! I had a cold just as I started fasting, so wasn't sure what to do. I did fast and by my next fasting day I felt fine. Think you just have to listen to your body and eat if you think you need to. You can always fast another day!
Hope you feel better soon!
So far, I think that fasting actually helps me fight off the cold.
Looks like there's no hard and fast rule then. Will see how it goes. Thanks for the replies:)

I also found my cold was better after fasting.
The cold just seemed to sap my willpower. I couldn't stick to the fasting days, so I tried to keep to 16:8. Then my cold turned into bronchitis, and I felt even worse. Comfort eating crept in along with honey lemon drinks to sooth my sore throat and other drinks like milk because water was too rough. I've put on 4lb because of my lack of control through this cold.
I think I had a 24 hour bug yesterday which fell on a fasting day.
I lasted all day until 5PM but then felt so weak I just needed to eat something and today I am nearly back to normal. It really does depend on the person.
Lil :heart:
I had a cold a few weeks ago and I ate but I have a cold at the moment - they one where you can't smell or taste anything and yesterday I had no appetite anyway, so a successful fasting day. I have to say that I'm really disappointed that I'm picking up every cold that is going around.
I had the makings of a cold a few weeks back but fasting seemed to help kick it into touch and it went away.
It's easier for me to fast with a cold than when I have stomach pains. With a cold I have no taste at all so it's difficult to want to eat something when you can't taste what you eat.

With a stomach pain (like during the 2 first days of my periods), it's really difficult because the only thing that calm that pain (and it's sometimes to the point I can't get up at all), is to eat a toast, not with something on it however, or some rusk or an italian biscuit I don't remember the name of.
Update. I did it! It wasn't too hard, went over the 500 by 50 cals by my estimation, due to having a low cal hot chocolate in the evening. Not too bad.
I still have my cold, but it's improving.

It's a great feeling of achievement when you go to bed on a fast day don't you think! A sort of sigh of relief for getting through it.

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