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"Feast" Days...
28 Oct 2013, 15:00
Hello all,

It's the new-newbie here again, I was just wondering what an average "non-fast day" is like for you all?
I'm not sure if that^ or "feast day" is the correct term for them - they seem to be the ones I've heard and read most, but feast makes it sound like we just gorge like mad on those 5 days!?
(I still count calories and stick to about 1,500 on those days)

Do you watch what you eat still? do you have 3 meals? calorie count? have a treat if you fancy a treat? what are your eating habits on these days?

Sorry if this has already been covered, I did have a look but couldn't find anything...

x x
Re: "Feast" Days...
28 Oct 2013, 15:08
Hi Mrs G. On my blog I have recorded a few feed days which will give you an indication. At the moment I have been eating breakfast as I have been in the gym, but its a late breakfast (mid morning) and I eat dinner early if I'm at home, so I can stay within the 8 hour window (I'm doing 16:8 as well as 5:2). However my recent posts are quite saintly as I'm trying to get over the holiday. Having said that I don't normally eat much more than this, but my downfall is wine which kicks the calories up and sends me over TDEE. I eat out at least twice a week and on those days I tend not to eat during the day so I can have a decent meal at night (and to stop people making judgements on how little/too healthy I'm eating).
Re: "Feast" Days...
28 Oct 2013, 15:14
Hi newbie!

When I first started with this WOE I was still really strict with myself on 'feast' days and probably underate at around 1300 calories a day on average. However, this did work for me, and I have lost around two stone since mid July. I have hit a plateau at the moment, but i think that that is because a) I've lost a lot of excess fat, whereas now I'm working on just a bit of excess, as opposed to obese fat and b) I've started allowing myself more food on 'feast' days.

I am going to try and cut down on my alcohol and carb intake on 'feast' days, as I've become rather lax when it comes to toast and wine!

I'd say, make sure you eat lots of healthy, nutritious, but most importantly tasty food and you will naturally start to crave healthy foods more, as opposed to carbs etc. Try cooking from scratch and instead of eating boring, calories controlled meals, introduce interesting spices, textures and flavours - it's the only way I could get my head around eating healthily, as I now always throoughly enjoy what I eat. And genuinely enjoy it, instead of enjoying it whilst it's in my mouth and then feeling guilty afterwards (eg having eaten mcdonalds or four pieces of cheese on toast with pancetta and caramelised onions - an old favourite for when I got in from work at the pub!)

Just experiment with what you feel comfortable with and it will become easier and, hopefully, a joy!

Best of luck!
Re: "Feast" Days...
28 Oct 2013, 16:36
I don't count calories but I am aware of what I eat trying to go for the healthier choices and smaller portions plus I've also cut down on my carbs on all days especially bread hardly eat any at all, because I've read that they are the foods that make us ''crave '' certain foods, but I do bulk up every meal with extra vegetables or salads. :clover: Sue. :clover:
Re: "Feast" Days...
28 Oct 2013, 16:47
Yep, an inveterate counter here! I am now at target, though hoping to lose another 4lbs for some good wiggle room!
Even if you don't want to carry on counting, the fact you are doing so now will bring home how much food we can eat on our feast days.
I think a lot of the reasons for this WOE failing for some is overeating on them 'because they can'
They shouldn't (but that's a generalisation!)
Re: "Feast" Days...
28 Oct 2013, 19:05
I don't call them 'feast' days, I call them normal days, with the mental emphasis on normal being what a normal person would eat, not what the old me would eat. I still have treats, but try to keep them to once or twice a week (a treat being a slice of cake or small amount of chocolate or candy). Meals out types of treats are becoming embarrassing as I can't eat a full meal anymore and I hate the waste.
Re: "Feast" Days...
28 Oct 2013, 19:11
Hiya! I agree with Julie..
" I call them normal days, with the mental emphasis on normal being what a normal person would eat, not what the old me would eat. "
She puts it so succinctly!
And of course yeh a few small treats ! X :razz:
Re: "Feast" Days...
28 Oct 2013, 19:24
I just enjoy good food. Definitely don't count calories, and eat whatever I feel like. My weight loss is slow, but there is no rush and no pressure.

I tend to stick mostly to healthy food, "unprocessed", but if cake appears, well I'll happily have a piece.
Re: "Feast" Days...
28 Oct 2013, 20:51
KataMac wrote:

I tend to stick mostly to healthy food, "unprocessed", but if cake appears, well I'll happily have a piece.

The emphasis here being that its a slice of cake now, not half the cake as in the past.
Re: "Feast" Days...
28 Oct 2013, 23:27
I think some people undereat too. If you do either, it becomes hard, either through deprivation or lack of visible progress.

Finding a balance is hard & I'll admit to finding feed days harder. Mainly because I knew how to structure fast days but not feed days. Got worse then loads better. I rarely overeat now so it's worth sticking it out.
Re: "Feast" Days...
30 Oct 2013, 22:03
Thanks all for of the replies. I've managed to stick under the 1,500 cals a day every my normal non-fast day this week. I've found that since starting 5:2 I don't feel as hungry quickly on normal days and don't feel the need to pick as much. Next fast day tomorrow and I'm sort of looking forward to it! What's wrong with me? Lol. Mind you... I work in an office where people graze and munch and chew and eat ALL day so that'll be a test on my patience again!!

x x
Re: "Feast" Days...
30 Oct 2013, 22:40
Well done on your fasts MrsG2B :heart:
Nothing wrong with you it's just this amazing WOL weaving it's magic on your body :heart:
Good Luck with tomorrow's fast + i'll be doing one also.
:clover: :clover: Sue. :heart: :clover:
Re: "Feast" Days...
06 Nov 2013, 07:09
Julieathome wrote:
KataMac wrote:

I tend to stick mostly to healthy food, "unprocessed", but if cake appears, well I'll happily have a piece.

The emphasis here being that its a slice of cake now, not half the cake as in the past.

:wink: :cool: sometimes it is still half the cake... or the whole block of chocolate :bugeyes: :cool: but yes, binging is way less frequent, and eventually I'm sure it'll fade away altogether
Re: "Feast" Days...
06 Nov 2013, 08:27
As an inveterate under-eater I do what i call pig out on a normal day lol. I make sure I eat my TDEE or as near as I can. Yesterday I had cream cakes (yes two!)two eggs on toast, two sandwiches, fish and veg, yogurt...I bought pro bio plain greek yogurt as I have gone off the 'low fat' kind which is actually full of carbs and added a spoonful of jam and chocolate. I kind of indulge myself and it seems to work as I am losing steadily. But it feels like a lot of food although boy do I enjoy it and no longer feel guilty!! x
Re: "Feast" Days...
06 Nov 2013, 08:59
I don't count calories per say but I am careful during the week. On Fundays, it's another story but it's because I have family lunch but I usually don't eat in the evening, or only a soup.

During the week, I only have one real "normal" day with 3 meals. The other days are fasts with one meal or 16:8 .with 2 meals, be careful to only have one "treat" during the day (jam OR chocolate OR one biscuit with my coffee after lunch) and drink 2l water (and only water). Only drink alcohol during the weekend and not a lot because I seem to not process alcohol properly these days (it makes me sleep).

The thing is, since I began this WOE, I need less to taste more, I don't know if that makes sense. For example, I only need 2 chocolate squares to feel satisfied. No process food either, like others here, you wouldn't believe how much tastier is a homemade peanut butter compare to a processed one ! :grin:

What else.... If I have a naughty food, I don't feel guilty about it. It's not the end of the world and it doesn't ruin my diet :wink:
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