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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi everyone,

So I've done my 2 fast days for the week and today is a feast day.
But I have totally binged and given into my sushi addiction. I'm embarrassed to say I've had 5 sushi rolls today and big ones at that! What worried me is I don't know how many calories there are so I'm worried I've gone right over my allowance and it's not even Friday!
Just off to meet a friend for drinks and don't want to sacrifice my wine either :(
And the thing is I just want more to eat!
Doubt there's anyone anything can say to me but but wanted a rant.
Lil :heart:
What allowance? TTDEE thing? Don't fret, you'll eat even more.

I think I saw you were in Week 7? I was definitely eating way too much at that point but it was fish and chips with chocolate, not sushi. ;-)

It passes, give it the 3 months and see where you are.
There aren't many fat Japanese people unless they're sumo wrestlers I think sushi is a pretty nutritious, low fat addiction it could be so much worse. Just keep going it will be alright in the end. If you're trying to stay low carb on eating days give yourself the weekend to eat carbs and then you will have something to focus on when the urge to binge comes upon you. Good luck!
Just focus on 5:2, you also have to have some good feed days too that leaves at 3 other days. If you don't loose that will motivate you. All will be revealed in the fullness of time
Thank you everybody for your reassuring replies.
I wrote yesterday off as I had four glasses of wine after my post, some nuts in the pub and 2 packet chocolate mouses. Oops. Thought to myself I've already ruined the 'diet' for that day may as well do it then and hopefully I won't crave in the morning.
And strangely, I don't want anything? It's only 7.30 in the morning but I really feel like giving myself a rest. I have chicken and vege stir fry that I just prepared (no rice/noodles, no oil and a small amount of low cal sauce) and I'm really going to try and keep my calories low - probably easier said than done on a Friday!
Wish me luck.
Lil :heart:
I find the more I try and reign myself in on non-fast days, the more I binge. So I try to not think about weight and binging at all on those days (so definitely no calorie counting) and try to focus on really really enjoying my food, whatever it is. (Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't)
LilSmiler wrote: Thank you everybody for your reassuring replies.
I wrote yesterday off as I had four glasses of wine after my post, some nuts in the pub and 2 packet chocolate mouses. Oops. Thought to myself I've already ruined the 'diet' for that day may as well do it then and hopefully I won't crave in the morning.
And strangely, I don't want anything? It's only 7.30 in the morning but I really feel like giving myself a rest. I have chicken and vege stir fry that I just prepared (no rice/noodles, no oil and a small amount of low cal sauce) and I'm really going to try and keep my calories low - probably easier said than done on a Friday!
Wish me luck.
Lil :heart:

Good Luck LilSmiler (a great name btw) Don't worry too much, it should pan out, over a week. You should see what a manage to quaff on a food day sometimes. :rotfl: All will become apparent this Sunday though. My first weigh in after following this plan, for 5 weeks Gulp!!
Thanks ladies!
I am weighing tomorrow so will let you know results. I was 11st1lb last Friday so was hoping to maybe see 10st13lb but don't think it's going to happen now. But hopefully I won't have put on either!
Lil :heart:
Interesting observations and I'd like to add mine-
It seems to me that the initial fast well/ feed binge settles down after a wee while.
I think this is accompanied by a shift in how we look at 5:2 and it moves from being a 'diet' to a ' way of eating' or 'way of life'.
This shift is what fills me with optimism for the long term effect of 5:2 as it is resetting habits, patterns and behaviour and is thus sustainable.
Well, that's what I think anyway in the 'soft' science side! :geek :geek: :
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