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feasting today Thursday 10 July
10 Jul 2014, 10:35
Anyone not fasting today and would like to keep me company and away from the bickie tin?

My last few feast days have been an all out piggy session. Its 11.30am and I have already had almost 600cal, though I managed to avoid most of the hot buttered toast! I might try low carbing for the rest of the day. Perhaps the protien will keep me more satisfied?
Hi, I'm actually an interloper as it is a fasting day for me, but I like this thread!
An aim for me is to live with a biscuit tin, that contains biscuits, that I help myself from when I fancy one, but only one or two. This remains an aim only, as I still tend to eat lots given the opportunity, so I'm not the best person to lead you away from them!
Once you start on carb, it sort of gets away sometimes, especially good bread...
I've been trying to drink some water on feast days whenever I think about nibbling, and it worked a bit.
Hope the low carbing does the trick for you today.
Hi Scuba! I'm actually fasting today. It'll be my first fast of the week. I hope I can stick with it! It's hard when I'm not at work.

But, thanks for keeping this forum going! Protein is a good idea for you. On my non-fast days I'm trying to be careful with my snacks. I only allow myself a "dessert" type snack at night, otherwise I have to choose from fruit or a yogurt or some hummus with pita chips or cottage cheese or something like that.

Good luck today!
@Annurca I have a treat cupboard which has an ARRAY of tempting things in - chocolate biscuits, bars of chocolate, Easter eggs, shortbread, blah blah and most of the time I can stop at 1 of something but I do wonder if it's not such a good idea after all as the temptation is always there. That said I haven't had an all out binge the way I used to since I started this WOE and I am satisfied with just a taste of something yummy. If there's no treats in the house I tend to start fantasising about them. Another thing that puts the brakes on is that if I eat loads of carby things I gain huge amounts of water weight for a while so it's not worth it to me now. I am learning but I can't see me ever not loving chocolate; it is a food of the gods :-)
@Annurca i too want to learn to live in harmony with the biccie tin!
Actually i think most people find it difficult to resist dipping into the tin time and again,and the ones who can resist have another addiction...cant leave the cheese or have to finish that bottle of wine...
Most of us seem to have a comfort crutch in one form or another!
My feeding day - i call it replenish day- so far has been buttery scrambled eggs ...tonight it will be chicken between times,mainly celery sticks to crunch on and some pineapple chunks! X
@scubachick thats the second time i've heard hot buttered toast mentioned today...does anything look,smell and taste as good as HBT.? :razz:
OMG!@loversghost your treat cupboard sounds gorgeous! But easter eggs? You still have some? You really do have willpower! X
CandiceMarie wrote: OMG!@loversghost your treat cupboard sounds gorgeous! But easter eggs? You still have some? You really do have willpower! X

No,@candicemarie - my partner found them at the back of another cupboard (2). One is no more but the other is calling me...... :smile:
@loversghost Would you believe me if I said chocolate really doesn't do it for me (unless on a biscuit), I can be really wanting something to eat, and I still would pass up chocolate! I'm not even into chocolatey desserts... It's like @candicemarie says, if one food isn't your thing, something else is!
But biscuits live either in an unopened pack, or in my tum.
Well I got out of the house and away from the bikkies for a while. I have followed @cblasz's advice and just had a high protien lunch: 2 egg omlet with olives (the toddler polished off the remaining unpitted olives! Wierd kid :grin: ). I just feel like something is mising without the carbs! But then again, thats what got me here in the 1st place, so of course I want to overeat them! Hmmm, munching rae carrots might hit the spot.
I am in today, after several fasts in a row and have no appetite whatsoever. It's strange, after a one day fast, I am hungry as hell and after several days fasts, I usually have no appetite. My body is weird..... :bugeyes:

For lunch I had provencales tomatoes with grilled chicken breast and a basil parmesan and apricots salad. Tasty :cool:

I still have some of the big Toblerone I bought for Christmas. Should check the expiration date, I think :grin:
@manderley Your lunch sounds lovely!
Just an update for ye: I went to a concert last night and volunteered myself the driver, keeping me out of the beer tent. I managed to avoid most of the food stalls, but I did have a quality stake grilled stake burger and only ate one half of the bun. Old me would have had a fulky loaded burger, cheese etc and a large portion of chips (fries). When we got home the babysitter still had pizza left. I popped it into the bin before I could think about tucking in! I still ate all my tdee, but think I made healthier and lower carbs choices. Scales today, 11th July, show that I am back to my 30 June weight. So 2 fasts and a low carb day have repaired the damage done in just 3 feast days!
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